Captive representing Spain, Martin Van Den Bogaert, 1685 |
Captive representing Holland, Martin Van Den Bogaert, 1685 |
Perseus and Andromeda, Pierre Puget, 1678-1684 |
Milon de Crotone, Pierre Puget, 1671-1682 |
Hannibal, Sebastien Slodtz, 1687-1704 |
Julius Ceasar, Nicolas Coustou, 1713 |
King Louis XV, Nicolas Coustou, 1731 |
Mercury Putting on his Sandles, Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, 1753 |
Faun Sleeping, Edme Bouchardon, 1726-1730 |
Faune endormi |
Copied from a famous antique from the Barberini collection |
Today the original is at the Glyptotek in Munich |
Faune endormi |
Faune endormi, Edme Bouchardon, 1726-1730 |
The original Sleeping Satyr dates from 220 BC |
Barberini Faun |
Diane, Christophe-Gabriel Allegrain, 1778 |
Bacchante with a basque drum and 2 children, Augustin Pajou, 1774 |
Phorbas and Oedipus, Denis-Antoine Chaudet, 1801 |
Oedipe enfant rappelé à la vie par le berger Phorbas qui l'a détaché de l'arbre |
Nisus and Euryale, Jean-Baptiste Roman, 1827 |
Les guerriers troyens Nisus et Euryale étaient amis au point de mourir ensemble |
Nisus and Euryale |
Aristaeus, God of Gardens, Baron François Joseph Bosio, 1817 |
Aristée, dieu des jardins |
Napoleon in Triomph, François Frédéric Lemot, 1812 |
The Soldier of Marathon Announces the Victory, Jean-Pierre Cortot, 1834 |
Le soldat de Marathon annonçant la victoire |
Hercules Battling Achelous Metamorphed into a Serpent, Baron François Joseph Bosio, 1824 |
Hercule combattant Achéloüs, métamorphosé en serpent |
Philopoemen "Last of the Greeks", Pierre-Jean David (David d'Angers), 1837 |
Jeanne d'Arc hearing voices, François Rude, 1845 |
Daphnis et Chloé, Jean-Pierre Cortot, 1827 |
La Génie de la chasse, Jean-Baptiste Debay, 1838 |
Spartacus, Denis Foyatier, 1830 |
Spartacus, Denis Foyatier, 1830 |
Spartacus, Denis Foyatier, 1830 |
Caton d'Utique lisant le Phédon avant de se donner la mort, Jean-Baptiste Roman, 1832-1840 |
L'Amour (Eros/Cupid) ca 1780 funerary monument |
L'Amour (Eros), Pierre Cartellier, 1817 |
Homer, Philippe-Laurant Roland, 1812 |
La Paix, Antoine-Denis Chaudet & Louis Jean-Baptiste Cheret, 1806 |
La Paix, celebrating the Peace of Amiens, and mosaic Le Génie de l'Empereur maîtrisant la Victoire ramène la Paix et l'Abondance |
Napoleon, Claude Ramey, 1813 |
L'Amour (Eros), Denis Foyatier, 1825 |
The Spirit of Liberty, Augustin Dumont, copy from the La Colonne de Juillet, Place de la Bastille |
Niobe's wounded son Niobide, James Pradier, 1822 |
Niobe's 12 children were shot by Apollo and Artemis |
After her 12 children were killed, Niobe died of grief |
The Three Graces, James Pradier, 1831 |
The Three Graces (Charities), the Greek goddesses of gracefulness and the charms of beauty |
Young hunter wounded by a snake, Louis-Messidor Petitot, 1827 |
Jeune chasseur blessé par un serpent |
Satyre and Bacchante (Priestess of Bacchus), Jean-Jacques Pradier, 1834 |
Young bather playing with his dog, Antoine Laurent Dantan, 1833 |
Jeune baigneur jouant avec son chien |
Mercury putting on his winged sandles, François Rude, 1834 |
Fisher and the shell (Pêcheur à la coquille), Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, 1858 |
Fisherman dancing the tarentella, Francisque Joseph Duret, 1832 |
Neapolitan fisherman playing with a turtle, François Rude, 1833 |
Poetry (La Poésie), Lambert-Sigisbert Adam, 1752 |
Eros making a bow from the mace of Hercules, Edme Bouchardon, 1750 |
L'Amour se faisant un arc de la massue d'Hercule |
L'Amour (Eros) |
Psyche abandonned, Augustin Pajou, 1790 |
Mercury, or Commerce, Augustin Pajou, 1780 |
Milon de Crotone, 1754, Falconet |
Oedipus and Phorbas, Félix Lecomte, 1771 |
The Shepherd Pâris, Nicolas-François Gillet, 1757 |
Shepherd sitting (Berge assis), Louis-Philippe Mouchy, 1768 |
Ganymede pouring nectar for Jupiter in form of an eagle, Pierre Julien, 1779 |
Prometheus in chains, Nicolas-Sébastien Adam, 1762 |
The Fall of Icarus, Paul-Ambroise Slodtz, 1743 |
The Death of Didon, Augustin Cayot, 1711 |
St. Sebastian, François Coudray, 1712, Louvre |
Neptune calming the waves, Lambert-Sigisbert Adam, 1737 |
Rearing horse restrained by tamer, Parc du Marly, Guillaume Coustou, 1745 |
Rearing horse restrained by tamer, Parc du Marly, Guillaume Coustou, 1745 |
La Marne, Antoine Coysevox, 1706 for the Parc de Marly |
La Seine, Antoine Coysevox, 1706 |
Satyr and Kid (Faune au chevreau), Pierre Lepautre, 1685 |
Mercury, messenger of the Gods (Renommée montés sur Pégase), from Parc de Marly, 1701-1702 |
Fame setting a trumpet to her lips (Renommée montés sur Pégase), from Parc de Marly, 1701-1702 |
The Wrestlers, Philippe Magnier, 1684-1688 |
Les Lutteurs, copy of an antique original at the Uffizi |
The Wrestlers, Philippe Magnier, 1684-1688 |
Sherpherd with flute, Antoine Coysevox, 1710 |
Hunter resting (Chasseur au repos), Nicholas Coustou, 1710 |
Didon, Christophe Cochet, early 1600's |
Captive, from an equestrian statue of Henri IV on the Pont-Neuf |
David vanquishes Goliath, Pierre Francqueville, late 1500's or early 1600's |
16th Century Fountain of Diana |
The Resurrection, Germain Pilon, 1572 |
The Resurrection, Germain Pilon, 1572 |
Catherine de Medici funerary statue, Girolamo Della Robbia, 1567 |
Funerary monument of Jacque de Souvré, François Anguier, 1667 |
Métabus, King of the Volsques, Nicolas-Bernard Raggi, 1855 |
Métabus, roi des Volsques, from Virgil's Aeneid |
Virgin and Child, Loire Valley, circa 1530 |
Tomb of Philippe Pot (1428-1493), Bourgogne |
Marie d'Anvsnes, Abby of Pont-aux-Dames, d1421; Gaucher III de Chatillon, d1325; Guillaume de Chanac, Bishop of Paris, d1351 |
Eros and Psyche, François-Nicolas Delaistre, 1780-1785 |
L'Amour et Psyché |
Eros and Psyche, François-Nicolas Delaistre, 1780-1785 |
La Jeunesse captivant l'Amour, Jean-Esprit Marcellin, 1863 |
Daphnis and Chloe, Raymond Gayard, 1855 |
Reduction of Michelangelo's Dying Slave, Herni Charles Maniglier, 1881 |
Mercury of Florence, Herni Charles Maniglier, 1881 |
Child playing with a turtle, 1859 |
Bust of Napoleon I, Manufacture de Sèvres, 1811 |
Bust of Napoleon |
The Rebellious Slave, Michelangelo, 1513-1515 |
Michealangelo's slaves were for the tomb of Pope Julius II but not completed |
The Rebellious Slave, Michelangelo |
L'esclave rebelle, Michelangelo |
Rebellious Slave, Michelangelo, 1513-1515 |
Dying Slave, Michelangelo, 1513-1515 |
The Dying Slave, Michelangelo, 1513-1515 |
L'Esclave mourant, Michelangelo |
The Dying Slave, Michelangelo |
The Dying Slave, Michelangelo |
Bacchus and a young satyre, Gianfrancesco Susini (1575-1653) |
Jeune fleuve accompagné de trois enfants, Pierino da Vinci |
Hercules Battling the Hydra, north Italian, 16th C |
Apollo Vanquishes Python, Italian, 16th C. |
L'Amitié (Friendship), Cristoforo Stati (1556-1619) |
Adonis, Marcantonio Presinari, 1600-1602 |
Adonis, Marcantonio Presinari, 1600-1602 |
L'Amour et Psyché, Antonio Canova (1757-1822) |
Dircé, Lorenzo Bartolini, 1824-1834 |
Psyche reanimated by the kiss of Eros, Antonio Canova, 1787 |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour, Antonio Canova |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour |
Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour |
Psyche reanimated by the kiss of Eros, Antonio Canova, 1787 |
Roman Orator, 1857 |
Male architectural feature from the History of the Louvre gallery |
Chasseur tuant un cerf, Nicolas Coustou |
Aeneas, supporting his old father Anchises, escapes from burning Troy, ca 1697, François Giradon |
La Seine, Charles Antoine Coysevox |
Paris Sep17 0511.jpg |
Captifs, Martin van den Bogaert (Desjardins) 1682 |
Captifs, Martin van den Bogaert (Desjardins) 1682 |
Perseus and Andremeda, Pierre Puget, 1678-1684 |
Julius Caesar, Nicolas Coustou, 1713 |
Mercury Attaching his Sandals, Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, 1753 |
Venus Bathing, Christophe-Gabriel Allegrain, 1767 |
The shepherd Phorbas reviving Oedipus, Antoine-Denis Chaudet, 1810 |
Nisus and Euryale, Jean-Baptiste Roman, 1827 |
Nisus and Euryale, Jean-Baptiste Roman, 1827 |
Nisus and Euryale, Jean-Baptiste Roman, 1827 |
Aristée, God of Gardens, François Joseph Bosio, 1817 |
Hercules battling Achéloüs, François-Joseph Bosio, 1824 |
Spartacus, Denis Foyatier, 1830 |
Philopoemen, Pierre-Jean David d'Angers, 1837 |
The Genius of the Hunt, Jean-Baptiste de Pay, 1838 |
Neapolitan Fisherboy Playing with a Turtle by the Sea, François Rude, 1833 |
Wounded Niobid, James Pradier, 1822 |
The Three Graces, James Pradier, 1831 |
The Genius of Liberty, Augustin Dumont, 1885 |
Hyacinthus, François-Joseph Bosio, 1817 |
Napoléon I in his Coronation Costume, Claude Ramey, 1813 |
Peace, Antoine-Denis Chaudet, 1806 |
Young Bather Playing with his Dog, Dantan Aîné, 1833 |
Cupid Cutting his Bow from the Club of Hercules, Edme Bouchardon, 1750 |
Cupid Cutting his Bow from the Club of Hercules, Edme Bouchardon, 1750 |
Mercury (Commerce), Augustin Pajou, 1780 |
Neptune Calming the Waters and The Fall of Icarus |
Prometheus, Chained to Mount Caucasus, Has his Liver Devoured by an Eagle, Nicolas Sébastien Adam, 1762 |
Ganymede Pouring Nectar for Jupiter Changed into an Eagle, Pierre Julien, 1776 |
Saint Sebastian, Claude Dejoux, 1779 |
The Shepherd Paris, Nicolas François Gillet, 1757 |
Abel Dying, Jean-Baptiste Stouf, 1785 |
Alexander from the collection of Alexandre Mazarin, 17th C. |
The Death of Saint Innocent, ca 1530 |
Isis, Antoine-Guillaume Grandjacquet, 1779-1781 |
Antinoüs d'Écouen, French Royal Collection, 18th C. |
Old Fisherman (Dying Seneca), 2nd C. Rome |
Old Fisherman (Dying Seneca), 2nd C. Rome |