The Mob at the Mona Lisa |
View of the Mona Lisa with annoying crowds |
Mona Lisa (La Joconde), 1503-1506, Italian, Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) |
Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci |
Mona Lisa (La Joconde) behind her protective reflective glass |
The Holy Family with St. Catherine and St. Sebastian, 1507, Italian, Sebastiano del Piombo (1485-1547) |
The Holy Family with St. Catherine and St. Sebastian, 1507, Italian, Sebastiano del Piombo (1485-1547) |
Adoration of the Shepherds, 1520-25, Italian, Jacopo Negretti (1480-1528) |
The Woman and the Mirror, 1515, Italian, Titian (1488-1576) |
Jupiter Punishes the Vices, Peolo Veronese, 1556 |
The Wedding Feast at Cana, Paolo Veronese, 1563 |
Supper at Emmaus, 1559, Italian, Paolo Veronese (1528-1588) |
The Death of Adonis, by an unknown northern painter working in Venice, 16th C. |
The Supper of Emmaus, 1530, Italian, Titian (1488-1576) |
A young man presented by Venus to the 7 liberal arts, Italian, 1483-85, Botticelli |
The Nativity, Italian, Bernardino Luini (1485-1532) |
The Virgin and Child with 2 Angels, Italian, 1472-75, Filippino Lippi (1457-1504) |
The Virgin and Child with the young St. John the Baptist, Italian, 1470-75, Botticelli |
Portrait of a Young Man, Italian, 1470, Botticelli (1445-1510) |
Virgin and Child, Italian, 1465-1470, Botticelli |
The Nativity, Italian, 1465-1470, Fra Diamante (1430-1498) |
St. Sebastian, Italian, 1490-1500, Pietro Vannucci Perugino (1450-1523) |
The Virgin and Child with St. John the Baptist and St. Sebastian, Italian, 1500, Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio (1467-1516) |
St. Sebastian, Italian, 1500, Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio (1467-1516) |
The Disbelief of St. Thomas, Italian, 1543-47, Francesco de' Rossi called Salviati (1510-1563) |
Alof de Wignacourt and his page, Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Italian, 1608, Caravaggio, Musée du Louvre |
Alof de Wignacourt and his page, Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Italian, 1608, Caravaggio, Musée du Louvre |
Alof de Wignacourt and his page, Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Italian, 1608, Caravaggio, Musée du Louvre |
Detail of page boy, 1608, Caravaggio (1571-1610) |
Death of the Virgin, Italian, 1610, Caravaggio, Musée du Louvre |
The Fortune Teller, Caravaggio, ca 1595-1598 |
David, vanquisher of Goliath, Italian, 1604-06, Guido Reni (1575-1642) |
David Vanquishes Goliath, Guido Reni, ca 1604-1606 |
St. Sebastian the Martyr, Italian, 1620, Guido Reni |
St. Sebastian the Martyr, Italian, 1620, Guido Reni |
Christ adored by angels, St. Sebastian and St. Bernardino, Italian, prior to 1618, Carlo Bonone (1569-1632) |
The Story of Hercules, Italian, 1621, Guido Reni (1575-1642) |
The Story of Hercules, Italian, 1621, Guido Reni (1575-1642) |
Deianira, Hercules' wife, lifted by the Centaur Nessus, Italian, 1617-21, Guido Reni |
Hercules on the Pyre, Italian, 1617-19, Guido Reni |
Hersilie separates Romulus and Tatius, The Battle of the Romans and the Sabines, Italian, 1645, Il Guerchino (1591-1666) |
Gallery of Views of Ancient Rome, Italian, 1758, Giovanni Paolo Rannini (1691-1765) |
Count Stanislas Potocki (1745-1805) and his 2 sons, Italian, 1789-90, Giovanni Battista Lampi (1751-1830) |
Detail from The Deluge, Italian, 1616-18, Antonio Carracci (1583-1618) |
Detail from The Deluge, Italian, 1616-18, Antonio Carracci (1583-1618) |
Rialto Bridge in Venice, Italian, Antonio Canaletto (1697-1768) |
Christ on the Cross, El Greco (1541-1614) |
St. Louis, King of France, and a page, 1585-1590, El Greco |
Mass of the Foundation of the Order of Trinitaires, Spanish, 1666, Juan Carreno de Miranda (1614-1685) |
Hersilie Separates Romulus and Tatius (Battle of the Sabines), Giovannis Francesco Barbieri, 1645 |
St. Francis in Meditation, Guido Reni, ca 1630-1631 |
Captive Timocleee brought before Alexander, Domenico Zampieri, ca 1615 |
Pietà with St. Francis and Marie Magdalene, Annibal Carracci, ca 1602-1607 |
The Disbelief of St. Thomas, Francesco de' Rossi (Salviati), ca 1543-1547 |
The Battle of David and Goliath, Daniele Ricciarelli, ca 1550-1555 |
The Holy Family with St. Anne and the young St. John the Baptist, Bronzino, ca 1550 |
Portrait of a Sculptor of Fine Stones, Jacopo Carrucci, ca 1517-1518 |
Portrait of a Man holding a Statuette, Bronzino, ca 1671 |
Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione, Raphael, ca 1514-1515 |
Saint Margeret, Raphael, ca 1518 |
St. Michael Slaying the Demon, Raphael, 1518 |
Saint John the Baptist in the Desert, Raphael, 1516 |
Virgin and Child with St. Sebastian, Giovanni de' Busi, ca 1519 |
Ecce Homo, Bartolomeo Cincani, 1500-1507 |
St. Sebastian, Andrea Mantegna, ca 1480 |