The Guardian Angel, 1835-6, Henri Decaisne (1799-1852) |
Italian Family, 1830, François-Joseph Navez (1787-1869) |
Bonaparte Crossing the Alps, 1848, Paul Delaroche (1797-1856) |
Bonaparte Crossing the Alps, 1848, Paul Delaroche (1797-1856) |
Liberty Guiding the People, 1831, Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863) |
Liberty Guiding the People, 1831, Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863) |
Dante and Virgil in Hell, 1822, Eugène Delacroix |
Scene of the Massacres of Scio; Greek Families awaiting death or slavery, 1824, Eugène Delacroix |
Detail of Scène des massacres de Scio; familles grecques attendant la mort ou l'esclavage |
Death of Sardanapale, 1827, Eugène Delacroix |
Detail of Mort de Sardanapale, Eugène Delacroix |
The Raft of Medusa, 1819, Théodore Géricault |
Officer of the mounted imperial guard charging, 1812, Théodore Géricault |
Wounded Cuirassier leaving the fight, 1814,Théodore Géricault |
Bonaparte visiting the sick of Jaffa, 1804, Antoine-Jean Gros |
Napoleon on the battlefield of Eylan, 1808, Antoine-Jean Gros |
Joachim Murat, King of Naples, 1812, Antoine-Jean Gros |
Roger Rescuing Angélique, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867) |
Christ on the Cross, 1823, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon |
Phaedra and Hippolytus, 1802, Pierre-Narcisse Guérin |
La Grande Odalisque, 1814, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres |
Funeral of Atala, 1808, Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson (1767-1824) |
Leonidas at Thermopyle, 1814, Louis David (1748-1825) |
Leonidas at Thermopyle, 1814, Louis David (1748-1825) |
Leonidas at Thermopyle, 1814, Louis David (1748-1825) |
Leonidas, King of Sparta |
Leonidas, King of Sparta |
Detail from Louis David's Leonidas at Thermopyle |
Detail from Louis David's Leonidas at Thermopyle |
Detail from Louis David's Leonidas at Thermopyle |
Pygmalion and Galatée, 1819, Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson |
Emperor Napoleon I crowning Empress Josephine in the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, 1806-07, Louis David |
Napoleon crowning Josephine in 1804 |
Napoleon I crowning Empress Josephine in the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, 1806-07, Louis David |
Detail of Napoleon |
The Sabines, 1799, Louis David (1748-1825) |
The Sabines, 1799, Louis David (1748-1825) |
Romulus - the Sabines, 1799, Louis David (1748-1825) |
The Sabines, 1799, Louis David (1748-1825) |
Detail of Romulus in The Sabines |
Detail of Tatius, King of the Sabines |
Hersilie interposes herself between her Roman husband and her Sabine brother |
Detail from The Sabines |
The Education of Achilles by the Centaur Chiron, 1782, Jean-Baptiste Regnault (1754-1829) |
The Slumber of Endymion, 1791, Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson (1767-1824) |
The Slumber of Endymion, 1791, Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson (1767-1824) |
Endymion was loved by the moon goddess Selene and granted eternal sleep to remain forever young |
Zephyr moving a branch from The Slumber of Endymion |
The Love of Paris and Helen, 1788, Louis David |
The Love of Paris and Helen, 1788, Louis David |
The grief of Andromache over the body of Hector her husband, 1783, Louis David |
Aurora and Cephalus, 1810, Baron Pierre-Narcisse Guérin |
The Oath of the Brothers Horace, 1784, Louis David |
Romulus, defeater of Acros, takes the spoils of war to the Temple of Jupiter, 1812, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres |
Madame Récamier, née Julie Bernard, 1800, Louis David |
Esther and King Puriam, 1737, Jean-François de Troy |
Apollo Crowned by Minerva, 1667-8, Noel Coypel (1628-1707) |
Apollo crowned by Victory, 1667-8, Noel Coypel |
The Louvre at it's largest under Napoleon III |
Napoleon III (1808-1873) ruled 1852-1870 until the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War |
The Milkmaid, Jean-Baptiste Greuze (1725-1805) |
Joseph-Marie Vien, 1774, by Joseph Siffred Duplessis (1725-1802) |
The Reconquest of Paris from the English (13 April 1436), 1787, Jean-Simon Berthélemy (1743-1811) |
Russian Countess Skavronskaia, 1796, Elisabeth-Louise Vigée-Le Brun (1755-1842) |
Psyche and the sleeping Eros, 1768, Louis Lagrenée called L'Aîné (1724-1805) |
Detail of Eros Sleeping, 1768, Louis Lagrenée called L'Aîné (1724-1805) |
The Death of the Wife of Darius, 1785, Louis Lagrenée called L'Aîné (1724-1805) |
The Lion of Florence, 1801, Nicholas-André Monsiau (1754-1837) |
The Farewell of Hector and Andromache, 1786, Joseph-Marie Vien (1716-1809) |
Zeuxis and the Daughers of Crotone, 1789, François-André Vincent (1746-1816) |
Decent from the Cross, 1789, Baron Jean-Baptiste Regnault (1754-1829) |
Wounded Roman Soldier, 1785, Germain-Jean Drouais (1763-1788) |
Young Zephyr balances himself over the water, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon (1758-1823) |
Young Zephyr balances himself over the water, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon (1758-1823) |
Detail of Zephyr |
1356 Battle of Poitiers, 1830, Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863) |
Young Man Nude By The Sea, 1836, Hippolyte Flandrin (1809-1864) |
Jeune homme nu assis an bord de la mer, 1836, Hippolyte Flandrin |
Young Man Nude By The Sea, 1836, Hippolyte Flandrin (1809-1864) |
Young Man Nude By The Sea, 1836, Hippolyte Flandrin (1809-1864) |
The Temptation of Christ, 1858, Ary Scheffer (1795-1858) |
Cambyses II, Emperor of Persia (529-522 BC) captured Pharaoh Psammetichus III ending the 26th Dynasty |
Daphnis and Chloe, Louis Hersent (1777-1860) |
Monks on Mount St. Gothard, Louis Hersent (1777-1860) |
St. Sebastian, 1850-55, Camilee Corot (1796-1875) |
St. Sebastian, 1850-55, Camilee Corot (1796-1875) |
The Monkey Painter, also called Inside the Studio, 1833, Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps (1803-1860) |
Diane and Endymion, Jean-Bruno Gassies (1786-1832) |
Aurora and Cephalus, Jean-Bruno Gassies (1786-1832) |
Philippe of France, Duke of Anjou, Grandson of Louis XIV, King Philip V of Spain, 1700, Joseph Vivien (1657-1734) |
St. James the Greater, 1661, Noel Coypel |
The Apparition of Christ to the Three Marys, Laurent de la Hyre (1606-1656) |
Aeneas (Enée) and his companions battling the Harpies, 1646-7, François Perrier (1590-1650) |
Pan and nymph Syrinx, 1657, Michel Dorigny (1617-1665) |
Ganymede raised by Zeus, 1644, Eustache le Sueur (1616-1655) |
Christ on the Cross, 1647, Michel Dorigny (1617-1665) |
Eros orders Hermes to announce his power to the Universe, 1646-47, Eustache le Sueur (1616-1655) |
Detail of Hermes (Mercury), 1646-47, Eustache le Sueur (1616-1655) |
Eros Steals the Lightnight of Zeus, 1646-47, Eustache le Sueur (1616-1655) |
The Cheat (Le Tricheur), Georges de la Tour (1593-1652) |
Pierre Séguier, Chancellor of France (1588-1672) by Charles Le Brun (1619-1690) |
The transfer of the bodies of St. Gervais and St. Protais, 1661, Philippe de Champaigne (1602-1674) |
Appearance of St. Gervais and St. Protais to St. Ambroise, 1658, Philippe de Champaigne (1602-1674) |
Detail of Sts. Gervais and Protais |
The Last Supper (La Petite Cène) 1648, Philippe de Champaigne (1602-1674) |
The Last Supper (La Cène) 1652, Philippe de Champaigne (1602-1674) |
The Entrance of Alexander in Babylon, or The Triomph of Alexander, 1665, Charles Le Brun (1619-1690) |
The Battle of Arbelles between Alexander and Darius, 1669, Charles Le Brun (1619-1690) |
The Resurrection of Lazarus, 1706, Jean Jouvenet (1644-1717) |
Louis XIV (Le Roi Soleil-1638-1715), 1701, Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743) |
Louis XIV, The Sun King (Le Roi Soleil-1638-1715), 1701, Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743) |
Louis XIV (Le Roi Soleil-1638-1715), 1701, Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743) |
The Deliverance of Andromeda, 1679, Pierre Mignard (1612-1695) |
Démocrite, 1692, Antoine Coypel (1661-1722) |
Suzanne au bain, 1704, Jean-Baptiste Santerre (1651-1717) |
Venus asks Vulcan for weapons for Aeneas, 1732, François Boucher (1703-1770) |
Caron Passing the Shadows (Crossing the Styx), 1735, Pierre Subleyras (1699-1749) |
Christ before Pilate, 1731, Jean-François de Troy (1679-1752) |
Madame Pompadour, 1755, Maurice-Quentin Delatour (1704-1788) |
Neptune and Amymone, 1757, Carle Vanloo (1705-1765) |
Coresus Sacrificing himselt to Save Callirhoe, 1765, Jean-Honoré Fragonard (1732-1806) |
The Last Supper, 1618, Frans II Pourbus (1569-1622) |
St. Francis receivign the stigmatas, 1620, Frans II Pourbus (1569-1622) |
Marie de Medici (1573-1642), Queen of France from 1600, Frans II Pourbus (1569-1622) |
Portrait of Gabrielle d'Estrées and her sister, the Duchess of Villars, 1594, School of Fontainebleau |
St. Guillaume d'Aquitaine, 1627, Simon Vouet (1590-1649) |
Reunion in a cabaret, 1625, Le Valentin (1591-1632) |
La Diseuse de bonne aventure,1628, Le Valentin (1591-1632) |
Christ on the Cross, the Virgin, Mary Magdaline, St. John, St. Francis de Paule, 1628, Nicolas Tournier (1590-1639) |
Venus and the Graces surprised by a mortal, 1631-3, Jacques Blanchard (1600-1638) |
"Louis XIII between his kingdoms of France and Navarre" by Simon Vouet |
Louis XIII, Simon Vouet (1590-1649) |
Cardinal Richelieu (1585-1642), 1639, Philippe de Champaigne (1602-1674) |
Echo and Narcissus, 1630, Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665) |
L'enlèvement des Sabines, 1637-8, Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665) |
La Ravissement de St. Paul, 1649-50, Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665) |
The Hesselin Madonna, 1640-45, Simon Vouet (1590-1649) |
François I, King of France (1494-1547) ca 1530, Jean Clouet (1480-1540/1) |
Elizabeth of Austria (1554-1592) Queen of France, wife of Charles IX, François Clouet (1505-1572) |
The Education of Achilles by Chiron the Centaur, 1782, Jean-Baptiste Regnault |
Eros and Psyche, François-Édouard Picot, 1817 |
The Flood, Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson (1767-1824) |
The Flood, Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson (1767-1824) |
Oedipus and the Riddle of the Sphinx, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, 1808 |
Ceiling of the Salon Denon - "France Engraves the Profile of Napoleon III on a Marble Table", 1863-66, Charles-Louis Müller |
Napoleon on the Battlefield of Eylau, Antoine-Jean Gros, 1808 |
Napoleon Visiting the Plague Victims of Jaffa, 1804, Antoine-Jean Gros |
Christ on the Cross, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon, 1824 |
Study of Two Tigers, Eugène Delacroix, 1830 |
Ganymede raised by Jupiter, Le Sueur (1616-1655) |
The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds, Georges de la Tour, ca 1635-1638 |
The Last Supper, Philippe de Champaigne, ca 1652 |
Christ in the Tomb, Philippe de Champaigne, ca 1654 |
Apparition of St. Gervais and St. Protais to St. Ambroise, Philippe de Champaigne, 1657 |
Alexander in Babylon, 1665, Charles LeBrun |
The Resurrection of Lazarus, 1706, Jean Jouvenet |
The Deliverance of Andromeda, Pierre Mignard, 1679 |
Caron Passing the Shadows, Pierre Subleyras, ca 1735 |
Nîmes, Hubert Robert (1733-1808) |
Pont du Garde, Hubert Robert, 1786 |
Portrait of Three Men, François-André Vincent, 1775 |
The Retaking of Paris from the English (13 April 1436), Jean-Simon Berthélemy, 1787 |
The Abduction of Déjanire, Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée (1725-1805) |
Endymion, Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson, ca 1791 |
Click Gate: the Defence of Paris (30 March 1814), Horace Vernet, 1820 |
Click Gate: the Defence of Paris (30 March 1814), Horace Vernet, 1820 |
Meeting Between Cambyses II and Psammetichus III, Adrien Guignet |
Joan of Arc in the Chapel of King Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reims, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, 1855 |