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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> Subsaharan Africa >> Lesotho tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


March, 2001
Welcome to Lesotho, national symbol the Basotho Hat
Welcome to Lesotho, national symbol the Basotho Hat
Countryside outside Maseru
Countryside outside Maseru
Countryside outside Maseru
Countryside outside Maseru
Traditionally clad Basotho pony riders
Traditionally clad Basotho pony riders
The road to Malealea
The road to Malealea
Off the road to Malealea
Off the road to Malealea
My rondavel at Malealea
My rondavel at Malealea
Villagers forming the evening entertainment at the guesthouse
Villagers forming the evening entertainment at the guesthouse
Our pony trek guide
Our pony trek guide
A very depressed looking pack donkey
A very depressed looking pack donkey
Native hut near Malealea
Native hut near Malealea
The countryside looks a bit southwest USA
The countryside looks a bit southwest USA
Village in Lesotho near Malealea
Village in Lesotho near Malealea
Cactus and aloe
Cactus and aloe
Boy waving at us
Boy waving at us
Near Malealea
Near Malealea
Village near Malealea
Village near Malealea
Look, it's me on a horse!
Look, it's me on a horse!
Our turn around point
Our turn around point
My Basotho pony taking a break
My Basotho pony taking a break
Aloe plant, Lesotho
Aloe plant, Lesotho
Basotho village near Malealea
Basotho village near Malealea
Stone & thatch hut
Stone & thatch hut
Near Malealea
Near Malealea
Aloe plants, Lesotho
Aloe plants, Lesotho
Hills around Malealea, Lesotho
Hills around Malealea, Lesotho
Native huts
Native huts
My guide on the pony trek to a waterfall
My guide on the pony trek to a waterfall
Narrow path
Narrow path
Waterfall at our destination
Waterfall at our destination
This local boy is known at the lodge
This local boy is known at the lodge
Like Swaziland, Lesotho issues it's own currency, the Maloti, which is pegged to the Rand
Like Swaziland, Lesotho issues it's own currency, the Maloti, which is pegged to the Rand
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