The boat for our Lake Tana cruise |
A new resort hotel being built on the shores of Lake Tana near Bahir Dar |
The public ferry, Lake Tana |
Mid-lake engine repairs |
Napping on the slow boat |
Our destination - Zege Peninsula, Lake Tana |
Welcome to Ura Kidane Meret, Zege Peninsula |
Zege Peninsula boat landing |
Monkies playing around on reed boats, Zege Peninsula |
Traditional papyrus reed boat - tankwa |
Tankwa - reed boat, Lake Tana |
Little Bee Eater, Lake Tana |
Coffee beans, Zege Peninsula, Lake Tana |
Gate to the Monastery of Ura Kidane Meret |
Thatched hut with textile souvenirs |
Main church of the Ura Kidane Meret monastery |
Roof, Ura Kidane Meret monastery |
Main church of the Ura Kidane Meret monastery |
Ura Kidane Meret monastery |
Roof-top cross, Ura Kidane Meret monastery |
Huts outside the monastery |
Kite - probably interested in the pigeons |
Speckled Pigeon |
Ethiopian farmers at the monatery for Timkat |
Shot of arak |
Have another! |
Keith and the Ethiopians toasting Timkat |
Timkat at Ura Kidane Meret monastery |
Arak with the farmers at the monastery |
Arcade around the outside of the church |
The main church of the Ura Kidane Meret monastery is filled with murals |
Mounted figures like this are common in Ethiopian churches |
Doors to the inner sanctuary with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel |
One of the Archangels, Ura Kidane Meret |
Ethiopian religious art, Ura Kidane Meret |
Ethiopian religious art, Ura Kidane Meret |
Madonna & Child, Ura Kidane Meret |
The Crucifixion, Ura Kidane Meret |
The Deposition, Ura Kidane Meret |
St. Sebastian, Ura Kidane Meret, Ethiopia |
Narratives of Christ and martyrs, Ura Kidane Meret |
Ethiopian religious art, Ura Kidane Meret |
St. George and the Dragon, very popular in Ethioipia |
Narrative artwork, Ura Kidane Meret |
Angels with swords, Ura Kidane Meret |
Icon of Mary and Jesus, Ura Kidane Meret |
Ethiopian religious art, Ura Kidane Meret |
Ethiopian religious art, Ura Kidane Meret |
Ethiopian religious art, Ura Kidane Meret |
The entire church is covered with colorful paintings |
One of the doors to the inner sanctuary |
Ethiopian religious art, Ura Kidane Meret |
Ethiopian religious art, Ura Kidane Meret |
Beheading of St. John the Baptist, Ura Kidane Meret |
Ethiopian religious art, Ura Kidane Meret |
Holy shit? |
Ethiopian religious art, Ura Kidane Meret |
Another set of doors, Ura Kidane Meret |
Door detail, Ura Kidane Meret |
Group of men with guns, Ura Kidane Meret |
Icon covered with a thin veil, Ura Kidane Meret |
Ethiopian religious art, Ura Kidane Meret |
Ura Kidane Meret |
Sketch, Ura Kidane Meret |
Painted windows, Ura Kidane Meret |
Painted windows, Ura Kidane Meret |
Ethiopian bible |
Ethiopian time starts at 6 am...very strange |
Ura Kidane Meret - Monastery |
Ura Kidane Meret - Monastery |
The Zegie Museum is in an old "fireproof" house |
Zegie Museum, just outside the monastery gate |
Very old illustrated Ethiopian bible |
Zegie Museum - monk's robes and hat |
Zegie Museum - music demonstration |
Zeige Museum - Storage containers |
Zegie Museum - still for distilling arak |
Pottery roof ornament, Zeige Museum |
Coffee beans, Lake Tana, Ethiopia |
Shore of Lake Tana, Zege Peninsula |
Shore of Lake Tana |
Boat dock serving Ura Kidane Meret Monastery |
Lake Tana shoreline - Zege Peninsula |
Island of Kebran Gabriel Monastery, Lake Tana |
Great White Pelican, Lake Tana |
Island of Kebran Gabriel Monastery, Lake Tana |
Islands of Kebran Gabriel (right) and Entos Eyesu, Lake Tana |
Old reed boats apparently discarded on the shores of Lake Tana |
Cheering on the Timkat boat procession from the mainland |
Procession of reed boats near the mouth of the Blue Nile |
We were lucky...even the guide had never seen this |
Tankwa, papyrus reed boat, Lake Tana |
Larger boat with the priests and ark headed for Debre Maryam |
Priests of Debre Maryam, Timkat festival |
Man on the bow of the main boat |
Drummer, Timkat procession on Lake Tana |
Kayaking would be a great idea for Lake Tana |
Traditional reed boat, Lake Tana |
EthiopiaJan09 431.jpg |
Boy padding a Tankwa (papyrus reed boat) Lake Tana |
Traditional boat, Lake Tana |
A larger reed boat with standing passengers |
Looks like a wet way of getting around |
Paddling on Lake Tana |
The boat landing at Debre Maryam church |
Priest with processional umbrella, Debre Maryam |
Festively dressed Ethiopia Orthodox priest, Debre Maryam |
The priest on the right is carrying the church's replica of the Ark of the Covenant |
Ethiopian monk, Debre Maryam |
Heading to the island church of Debre Maryam |
Timkat procession, Debre Maryam |
Ethiopian child dressed in white |
Circling the church of Debre Maryam counterclockwise |
Happy boy, Timkat at Debre Maryam |
A church has stood here since the 14th Century, rebuilt in the 19th Century |
Dancing and singing around the church for Timkat celebrations |
Processional umbrellas, Timkat, Debre Maryam, Lake Tana |
Timkat, Debre Maryam, Lake Tana |
Female drummer in white, Debre Maryam |
Tattooed woman, Debre Maryam |
Women dancing at Debre Maryam, Timkat |
Timkat, Debre Maryam |
Priests continuing to circle the church, Debre Maryam, Lake Tana |
Priest carrying the church's copy of the Ark of the Covenant on his head |
Prayers and blessings, Debre Maryam, Lake Tana |
Priest of Debre Maryam, Timkat |
Girls at Debre Maryam's timkat celebration, Lake Tana |
Young Ethiopian woman at Debre Maryam's timkat celebration, Lake Tana |
More singing and dancing, Timkat at Debre Maryam |
Turbaned man, Debre Maryam. Lake Tana |
Ethiopian drummer, Timkat festival, Debre Maryam, Lake Tana |
Sunset over LakeTana from Debre Maryam's island |
Sunset, Lake Tana |
Sunset, Lake Tana |
Sunset with reeds, Lake Tana |
Boy paddling a papyrus reed boat at sunset, Lake Tana |
Boy paddling a papyrus reed boat at sunset, Lake Tana |
Two boys with reed boats in front of a Lake Tana sunset |
Two boys with reed boats in front of a Lake Tana sunset |
Lake Tana sunset, Ethiopia |
All that was missing was the Gin & Tonic |
Boy paddling a reed boat at sunset, Lake Tana |
Boy paddling a reed boat at sunset, Lake Tana |
EthiopiaJan09 528.jpg |
Boy paddling a reed boat at sunset, Lake Tana |
Boy paddling a reed boat at sunset, Lake Tana |
Boy standing on a reed boat, Lake Tana sunset |
Boy standing on a reed boat, Lake Tana sunset |
Ethiopian carrying a reed boat with a Fly Emirates shirt |
Kayakers paddling at the mouth of the Blue Nile, Lake Tana |
Paddlers at dusk, Lake Tana |
Paddlers at dusk, Lake Tana |
Red horizon after sunset, Lake Tana |