Kenyan National Museum, Nairobi, a 30 minute walk from the city centre |
Black Rhinoceros, National Museum |
Klipspringer, National Museum |
Primates, National Museum |
Tree Civet, National Museum |
"Ahmed" |
The skeleton of "Ahmed", National Museum |
Impressive display of Kenyan wildlife, National Museum |
Kenyan National Museum |
Rare species, such as the Okapi, Bongo, Mountain Gorilla, and the more common but difficult to spot Bushbuck |
The National Museum has an extensive orithography gallery with almost every bird in Kenya |
It's a good place to look for assistance to identify those birds you photographed on your safari |
Kenya has several important fossil sites for early man |
An almost complete skeleton of a Homo Erectus boy |
Homo Erectus skeleton found in Kenya |
Homo Erectus skull, Kenya National Museum |
Homo Habilis, 2 million years old |
Artistic reconstruction based on fossil records brings Australopithecus Boisei to life from 1.5 million years ago |
Homo Erectus models at the Kenyan National Museum |
Homo Erectus male |
Artists impression of prehistoric East Turkana, Kenya |
Prehistoric cave painting similar to those found elsewhere in Africa |
Kenyan National Museum also has ethnographic and historical displays |
Portrait gallery at the National Museum |
Portrait gallery at the National Museum |
Kenyan National Museum, Nairobi |