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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> North America & Caribbean >> Guatemala >> Flores tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


It's a long bus ride or a short flight from Guatemala City to the lowland tourist hub of Flores
It's a long bus ride or a short flight from Guatemala City to the lowland tourist hub of Flores
TACA's domestic flights in Guatemala are operated by Aviateca
TACA's domestic flights in Guatemala are operated by Aviateca
TACA Regional ATR operated by Aviateca
TACA Regional ATR operated by Aviateca
Costa Rican registered TACA ATR (TG-RYM)
Costa Rican registered TACA ATR (TG-RYM)
Universidad Rural de Guatemala - Santa Elena de la Cruz Flores, Petén
Universidad Rural de Guatemala - Santa Elena de la Cruz Flores, Petén
Junction for Guatemala City and Santa Elena, the large town next to the island of Flores
Junction for Guatemala City and Santa Elena, the large town next to the island of Flores
The Guatemalan lowlands - Mundo Maya
The Guatemalan lowlands - Mundo Maya
Tourist Information by the Santa Elena bus station
Tourist Information by the Santa Elena bus station
The town of Santa Elena
The town of Santa Elena
Road sign for the Isla de Flores, Guatemala City and Flores Airport
Road sign for the Isla de Flores, Guatemala City and Flores Airport
Bienvenidos Al Conjunto Historico de la Isla Ciudad de Flores Petén
Bienvenidos Al Conjunto Historico de la Isla Ciudad de Flores Petén
Bienvenidos Isla de Flores
Bienvenidos Isla de Flores
Dock off Flores Island - Lake Peten Itza
Dock off Flores Island - Lake Peten Itza
Hotel Las Casona de la Isla, Flores, Petén
Hotel Las Casona de la Isla, Flores, Petén
Calle 15 de Septiembre on the west side of the Isla de Flores
Calle 15 de Septiembre on the west side of the Isla de Flores
Lake Peten Itza, Flores Island
Lake Peten Itza, Flores Island
Tuk-tuks provide local transport in Flores and Santa Elena, Guatemala
Tuk-tuks provide local transport in Flores and Santa Elena, Guatemala
The town of Flores is very clean and well kept
The town of Flores is very clean and well kept
Avenida Barrios leading to the Parque Central, Flores
Avenida Barrios leading to the Parque Central, Flores
Blue Beauty Salon, Flores
Blue Beauty Salon, Flores
Town center, Isla de Flores
Town center, Isla de Flores
Cobbled streets and bright houses, Flores, Guatemala
Cobbled streets and bright houses, Flores, Guatemala
Parque Central - Catedral Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios
Parque Central - Catedral Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios
Parque Central, Flores
Parque Central, Flores
Religious art, Parque Central, Flores
Religious art, Parque Central, Flores
Catedral Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, Flores
Catedral Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, Flores
Catedral Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, Flores
Catedral Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, Flores
View of the lake from Parque Central, Flores
View of the lake from Parque Central, Flores
Terraces of various guesthouses on Flores
Terraces of various guesthouses on Flores
Catedral Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios
Catedral Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios
Parque Central, Isla de Flores
Parque Central, Isla de Flores
Cobblestone town of Flores
Cobblestone town of Flores
Isla de Flores
Isla de Flores
Isla de Flores
Isla de Flores
Isla de Flores
Isla de Flores
Calle Fraternidad, Flores
Calle Fraternidad, Flores
Isla de Flores
Isla de Flores
Placita Las Brisas, Flores
Placita Las Brisas, Flores
Tourist boat on Lake Peten Itza
Tourist boat on Lake Peten Itza
Hotel La Casa del Lacandon, Flores
Hotel La Casa del Lacandon, Flores
Doña Goya, Flores
Doña Goya, Flores
Restaurante San Telmo, Flores
Restaurante San Telmo, Flores
Terrazzo Restorante Bar, Florews
Terrazzo Restorante Bar, Florews
Enjoying the sunshine on a dock, Lago Peten Itza, Flores
Enjoying the sunshine on a dock, Lago Peten Itza, Flores
Isla de Flores
Isla de Flores
Flag of Belize - the next stop on many travelers itineraries
Flag of Belize - the next stop on many travelers itineraries
Belize License Plate, Flores, Guatemala
Belize License Plate, Flores, Guatemala
Isla de Flores
Isla de Flores
Restaurant with nice mural, Flores
Restaurant with nice mural, Flores
isla de Flores
isla de Flores
Guatemala License Plate
Guatemala License Plate
The cathedral of the Island of Flores
The cathedral of the Island of Flores
Catedral Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios
Catedral Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios
Inside the church of Flores
Inside the church of Flores
Inside the Cathedral of Flores
Inside the Cathedral of Flores
Catedral Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, Flores
Catedral Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, Flores
Candles on the church floor during a religious festival, Flores
Candles on the church floor during a religious festival, Flores
Candles on the church floor during a religious festival, Flores
Candles on the church floor during a religious festival, Flores
Candles on the church floor during a religious festival, Flores
Candles on the church floor during a religious festival, Flores
Stained glass, Flores Cathedral
Stained glass, Flores Cathedral
Stained glass, Flores Cathedral
Stained glass, Flores Cathedral
Stained glass, Flores Cathedral
Stained glass, Flores Cathedral
Stained glass, Flores Cathedral
Stained glass, Flores Cathedral
Stained glass, Flores Cathedral
Stained glass, Flores Cathedral
The skies darken over Lago Peten Itza
The skies darken over Lago Peten Itza
Grill Raices, a nice restaurant at the southwest corner of Flores Island
Grill Raices, a nice restaurant at the southwest corner of Flores Island
A Guatemalan beer - Gallo Cerveza
A Guatemalan beer - Gallo Cerveza
Gallo Beer, Grill Raices, Isla de Flores-Lago Peten Itza
Gallo Beer, Grill Raices, Isla de Flores-Lago Peten Itza
Cerveza Gallo, Lago Peten Itza
Cerveza Gallo, Lago Peten Itza
Dugout canoe, Lago Peten Itza
Dugout canoe, Lago Peten Itza
Rafts, Lago Peten Itza
Rafts, Lago Peten Itza
A sudden downpour catches the dugout on the lake
A sudden downpour catches the dugout on the lake
Tropical downpour, Lago Peten Itza, Flores
Tropical downpour, Lago Peten Itza, Flores
Grill Raices in the rain, Flores
Grill Raices in the rain, Flores
Playing in the rain - Lago Peten Itza, Flores
Playing in the rain - Lago Peten Itza, Flores
Playing in the rain - Lago Peten Itza, Flores
Playing in the rain - Lago Peten Itza, Flores
The storm passes
The storm passes
Still too cloudy for a nice sunset
Still too cloudy for a nice sunset
Aeropuerto Mundo Maya, Flores/Santa Elena, Guatemala
Aeropuerto Mundo Maya, Flores/Santa Elena, Guatemala
TAG - local carrier operating Saab 340's in Guatemala (TG-BJO)
TAG - local carrier operating Saab 340's in Guatemala (TG-BJO)
TACA Regional ATR, Flores-Mundo Maya Airport
TACA Regional ATR, Flores-Mundo Maya Airport