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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> South America & Antarctica >> Uruguay >> Colonia del Sacramento tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Colonia del Sacramento

The small town of Colonia del Sacarmento, founded in 1680, is a short ferry ride across the Rio de la Plata from Buenos Aires, and makes a pleasant day trip from the Argentine capital.
The Buquebus ferry from Buenos Aires to Uruguay
The Buquebus ferry from Buenos Aires to Uruguay
On the ferry from Buenos Aires
On the ferry from Buenos Aires
Colonia seen from the ferry
Colonia seen from the ferry
Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
Puerta de Campo 1745
Puerta de Campo 1745
Colonia is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Colonia is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Paseo de San Miguel along the walls of Colonia
Paseo de San Miguel along the walls of Colonia
Well maintained old cars are common in Colonia
Well maintained old cars are common in Colonia
Uruguay license plate
Uruguay license plate
Old Ford in Colonia
Old Ford in Colonia
Lighthouse (Faro)
Lighthouse (Faro)
Lighthouse (Faro)
Lighthouse (Faro)
Colonia del Sacramento
Colonia del Sacramento
Tile map of Colonia
Tile map of Colonia
Calle de las Misiones de los Tapes
Calle de las Misiones de los Tapes
Cobbled street in Colonia
Cobbled street in Colonia
Colonia del Sacramento
Colonia del Sacramento
The Uruguayan Navy
The Uruguayan Navy
Uruguay License Plate - tourist at Iguassu Falls
Uruguay License Plate - tourist at Iguassu Falls
Turismo - Uruguay license plate
Turismo - Uruguay license plate
Model of the Colonia Express ferry
Model of the Colonia Express ferry