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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> North America & Caribbean >> USA >> Virginia >> Appomattox tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Lee's Retreat - Amelia Springs - April 6, 1865
Lee's Retreat - Amelia Springs - April 6, 1865
A house along the route of Lee's Retreat towards Appomattox Court House, Virginia
A house along the route of Lee's Retreat towards Appomattox Court House, Virginia
Appomattox Court House National Historical Park
Appomattox Court House National Historical Park
The Battle of Appomattox Court House - April 9, 1865 - the last major battle of the Civil War
The Battle of Appomattox Court House - April 9, 1865 - the last major battle of the Civil War
Mariah Wright House - Appomattox
Mariah Wright House - Appomattox
McLean House, site of Lee's Surrender, Appomattox Courthouse
McLean House, site of Lee's Surrender, Appomattox Courthouse
McLean House, site of Lee's Surrender, Appomattox Courthouse
McLean House, site of Lee's Surrender, Appomattox Courthouse
Surrender Meeting between General Grant and General Lee, McLean House - Appomattox Court House, Virginia
Surrender Meeting between General Grant and General Lee, McLean House - Appomattox Court House, Virginia
Painting of General Robert E. Lee surrendering the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox
Painting of General Robert E. Lee surrendering the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox
Marble-topped table where General Robert E. Lee signed the surrender document
Marble-topped table where General Robert E. Lee signed the surrender document
General U.S. Grant and the Union officers accepting the Confederate surrender
General U.S. Grant and the Union officers accepting the Confederate surrender
Table in the McLean House at Appomattox where General Ulysses S. Grant accepted the surrender of the Confederate Army
Table in the McLean House at Appomattox where General Ulysses S. Grant accepted the surrender of the Confederate Army
Bedroom of the McLean House
Bedroom of the McLean House
Bedroom of the McLean House
Bedroom of the McLean House
Kitchen behind the McLean House, Appomattox Courthouse
Kitchen behind the McLean House, Appomattox Courthouse
Kitchen behind the McLean House, Appomattox Courthouse
Kitchen behind the McLean House, Appomattox Courthouse
Interior of the McLean House Kitchen
Interior of the McLean House Kitchen
Interior of the McLean House Kitchen
Interior of the McLean House Kitchen
Confederate Flag of Jackson's Grays - 61st Virginia Infantry
Confederate Flag of Jackson's Grays - 61st Virginia Infantry
Salute of Arms - April 12, 1865, Appomattox Court House
Salute of Arms - April 12, 1865, Appomattox Court House
General Robert E. Lee and General Ulysses S. Grand on horseback - Appomattox
General Robert E. Lee and General Ulysses S. Grand on horseback - Appomattox
Plunkett-Meeks Store, 1852, Appomattox Court House
Plunkett-Meeks Store, 1852, Appomattox Court House
Plunkett-Meeks Store, 1852, Appomattox Court House
Plunkett-Meeks Store, 1852, Appomattox Court House
Clover Hill Tavern, Appomattox
Clover Hill Tavern, Appomattox
Clover Hill Tavern, Appomattox
Clover Hill Tavern, Appomattox
Clover Hill Tavern, Appomattox
Clover Hill Tavern, Appomattox
Clover Hill Tavern, Appomattox
Clover Hill Tavern, Appomattox
Jones Law Office ca 1850, Appomattox Court House
Jones Law Office ca 1850, Appomattox Court House
Jones Law Office ca 1850, Appomattox Court House
Jones Law Office ca 1850, Appomattox Court House
Jones Law Office, Appomattox Court House
Jones Law Office, Appomattox Court House
Jones Law Office (rear), Appomattox Court House
Jones Law Office (rear), Appomattox Court House