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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> North America & Caribbean >> Guatemala >> Lago de Atitlán >> Antigua to Lago de Atitlán tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Antigua to Lago de Atitlán

I took one of the tourist shuttles from Antigua to Panajachel on Lago de Atitlán
I took one of the tourist shuttles from Antigua to Panajachel on Lago de Atitlán
Agriculture in the Guatemalan highlands along the Panamericana
Agriculture in the Guatemalan highlands along the Panamericana
A glance back at the volcanos around Antigua
A glance back at the volcanos around Antigua
Election billboard for the recently elected president of Guatemala, Pérez Molina and VP Roxana Baldetti
Election billboard for the recently elected president of Guatemala, Pérez Molina and VP Roxana Baldetti
There was a nice Miarador 6 km prior to Los Encuentros but unfortunately the shuttle didn't stop
There was a nice Miarador 6 km prior to Los Encuentros but unfortunately the shuttle didn't stop
A church with festive banners along the Panamericana approaching Los Encuentros
A church with festive banners along the Panamericana approaching Los Encuentros
Los Encuentros
Los Encuentros
The turn off the Panamericana for Panajachel and Sololá
The turn off the Panamericana for Panajachel and Sololá
Turning off the Panamericana for Lago de Atitlán
Turning off the Panamericana for Lago de Atitlán
Pink and lavender house
Pink and lavender house
The cemetery at Sololá from the road down to Panajachel
The cemetery at Sololá from the road down to Panajachel
The first good view of Lago de Atitlán
The first good view of Lago de Atitlán
Lago de Atitlán out the window of the Antigua shuttle
Lago de Atitlán out the window of the Antigua shuttle
The road to Panajachel
The road to Panajachel
The lakeside tourist hub of Panajachel comes into view on the north shore of Lago de Atitlán
The lakeside tourist hub of Panajachel comes into view on the north shore of Lago de Atitlán
The shuttle did stop at this mirador with a fine view of Panajachel
The shuttle did stop at this mirador with a fine view of Panajachel
Panajachel, Guatemala
Panajachel, Guatemala
Lago de Atitlán
Lago de Atitlán
Volcan de Tolimán masking the bulk of Volcan Atitlán on the south shore of Lago de Atitlán
Volcan de Tolimán masking the bulk of Volcan Atitlán on the south shore of Lago de Atitlán
Bungalow along the road to Panajachel
Bungalow along the road to Panajachel
Volcan San Pedro on the west side of Lago de Atitlán
Volcan San Pedro on the west side of Lago de Atitlán
Tourist painting of Lake Atitlan
Tourist painting of Lake Atitlan
Looking down on northern lakeshore from the last mirador
Looking down on northern lakeshore from the last mirador
The eastern half of Lago de Atitlán
The eastern half of Lago de Atitlán
A waterfall along the road a couple of km from Panajachel
A waterfall along the road a couple of km from Panajachel
San Jorge La Laguna, the last hillside village before Panajachel
San Jorge La Laguna, the last hillside village before Panajachel
Sign pointing out Lago de Atitlán, Volcan Atitlán and Volcan Toliman
Sign pointing out Lago de Atitlán, Volcan Atitlán and Volcan Toliman