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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> Middle East, North Africa & the Caucasus >> Algeria الجزائر‎ >> Algiers - الجزائر >> Sanctuaire du Martyr tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sanctuaire du Martyr

Memorial to the dead of Algeria's War of Independence from France - Sanctuaire du Martyr
Memorial to the dead of Algeria's War of Independence from France - Sanctuaire du Martyr
Spring across from the cable car station at the base of the téléphérique serving the Martyr's Memorial
Spring across from the cable car station at the base of the téléphérique serving the Martyr's Memorial
Martyr's Memorial - مقام الشهيد
Martyr's Memorial - مقام الشهيد
Lonely Planet misnames this the National Jihad Museum
Lonely Planet misnames this the National Jihad Museum
Place des Martyrs with the Algerian Army Musuem
Place des Martyrs with the Algerian Army Musuem
The Martyr's Memorial was completed in 1982 on the 20th Anniversary of Algerian Independence from France
The Martyr's Memorial was completed in 1982 on the 20th Anniversary of Algerian Independence from France
The Martyr's Memorial stands 92m tall
The Martyr's Memorial stands 92m tall
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Each corner of the monument has a statue of a soldier
Each corner of the monument has a statue of a soldier
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
The Museum of the War of Independence (Musée National du Moudjahid) is housed beneath the memorial
The Museum of the War of Independence (Musée National du Moudjahid) is housed beneath the memorial
Corner statue, Martyr's Memorial
Corner statue, Martyr's Memorial
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial under a bright blue sky, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial under a bright blue sky, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Corner statue - the first resistance to French colonialism
Corner statue - the first resistance to French colonialism
View of the Jardin d'Essai from the Martyr's Memorial
View of the Jardin d'Essai from the Martyr's Memorial
The French Garden, Jardin d'Essai
The French Garden, Jardin d'Essai
View from the Martyr's Memorial
View from the Martyr's Memorial
Port of Algiers from the Martyr's Memorial
Port of Algiers from the Martyr's Memorial
Statue of a soldier representing the first stage of Algerian resistance against the French
Statue of a soldier representing the first stage of Algerian resistance against the French
For some silly reason, the Algerian military decided that it is not proper to walk all around - or under - the monument...
For some silly reason, the Algerian military decided that it is not proper to walk all around - or under - the monument...
Sanctuaire du Martyr - the Algerian Martyr's Memorial
Sanctuaire du Martyr - the Algerian Martyr's Memorial
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
 مقام الشهيد
مقام الشهيد
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Statue at the Martyr's Memorial
Statue at the Martyr's Memorial
There are 3 statues, but their silly rules prevent you from walking around to the other side to view the third...whatever...
There are 3 statues, but their silly rules prevent you from walking around to the other side to view the third...whatever...
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Algerian Army Museum on the opposite end of Place des Martyrs
Algerian Army Museum on the opposite end of Place des Martyrs
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Martyr's Memorial, Algiers
Place des Martyrs, Alger
Place des Martyrs, Alger
Place des Martyrs, Alger
Place des Martyrs, Alger
Place des Martyrs, Alger
Place des Martyrs, Alger
Army Museum with a Russian SA-75 missile, Algiers
Army Museum with a Russian SA-75 missile, Algiers
Algerian MiG-17, Algerian Army Museum
Algerian MiG-17, Algerian Army Museum
Algerian MiG-17 (#275), Places des Martyrs
Algerian MiG-17 (#275), Places des Martyrs
Algerian Army Museum, Place des Martyrs
Algerian Army Museum, Place des Martyrs
Place des Martyrs, Alger
Place des Martyrs, Alger
Shopping plaza beneath the Place des Martyrs, Alger
Shopping plaza beneath the Place des Martyrs, Alger
Modern art - Places des Martyrs
Modern art - Places des Martyrs
Téléphérique between the Jardin d'Essai and the Sanctuaire des Martyrs
Téléphérique between the Jardin d'Essai and the Sanctuaire des Martyrs
AlgeriaJun13 0639.jpg
AlgeriaJun13 0639.jpg
View to the east from the Martyr Memorial cable car
View to the east from the Martyr Memorial cable car
View to the east from the Martyr Memorial cable car
View to the east from the Martyr Memorial cable car
Martyr's Monument from the botanical garden, Jardin d'Essai
Martyr's Monument from the botanical garden, Jardin d'Essai
Martyr's Monument from the botanical garden, Jardin d'Essai
Martyr's Monument from the botanical garden, Jardin d'Essai
Martyr's Monument from the botanical garden, Jardin d'Essai
Martyr's Monument from the botanical garden, Jardin d'Essai
Martyr's Monument between apartment towers
Martyr's Monument between apartment towers
Martyr's Monument from the National Library
Martyr's Monument from the National Library
Martyr's Monument, Alger
Martyr's Monument, Alger