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bluebirdstar | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spring - Summer > Baby Bluebird - Male
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Baby Bluebird - Male

Best wishes, my friends!
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One out of six including children are living in poverty, going to bed hungry or homeless. Volunteers are needed.
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Aud Elise Sjøsæther20-Nov-2011 16:54
Fantastic picture of the little bird! V
Paul Chan07-Mar-2009 11:16
Right timing, very cute shot....V.
Lamar Nix06-Mar-2009 01:05
Marvelous capture and image! BV
Alina04-Mar-2009 15:29
cute :) v
Bob White26-Feb-2009 14:24
Excellent shot good detail and very sharp V
an nguyen25-Feb-2009 00:16
Oh!!! so cute...
Guest 23-Feb-2009 04:08
Lovely shot. v
Hank Vander Velde23-Feb-2009 00:17
Nice sharp, well composed image.
Guest 23-Feb-2009 00:03
Beautiful detail and color. Living up to your name. :O) BV
deborahcuming22-Feb-2009 23:07
stunning!! the details of the down and the young colors! great shot!! BV
Jean Chiasson22-Feb-2009 21:11
Beautiful image vote
Mairéad22-Feb-2009 20:04
Great shot of this young guy with his downy feathers. V
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