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gaspard van haver08-Jan-2008 22:55
The last 6 years i've done an intensive exploration of the valley of the Queens and the tombs in that valley.
I would construct a website of the valley of Queens and the tombs in that valley.
The last 18 months i've searched the web for pictures of the valley and the tombs.
So i've seen your pictures.
The reason that i ask your permission to use your pictures for my website is that my pictures are of bad quality or low resolution.
When i'll use one or more of your pictures i'll note The URL+the website+the fact that your pictures are copyrighted.
I hope that you would give me some help te realise my plan.
Regarding your answer i thank you for your cooperation in this.

Kind regards
sftn nbfhctj 08-Oct-2006 09:28
eouqtkzn onwjt vcdfbym drhzsal grqida tgoqxl syhzwu
Dennis 15-Apr-2006 02:43
Nice site! | | | |
Guest 03-Apr-2005 22:16
Uncle Ken and I (Aunt Blondie) enjoyed your pictures very much. What a beautiful little boy.
Jan Booth 17-Sep-2004 11:28
LOve the latest photos of Will and his doting family. He and Uncle Zack seem to be having a fine time together. Did Will get that handsome Hawaiian shirt from his grandparents? What a cutey!

The family portraits are quite impressive. Will has so good looking genetic material to work from.

Thanks for sharing Will with us all.

Jan Booth