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Buz Kiefer | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lake Martin, Louisiana - 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lake Martin, Louisiana - 2009

Just east of Lafayette, Louisiana, the heart of Cajun Country, lies Lake Martin. A small swamp surrounded lake, Lake Martin is a perennial roosting area of herons, spoonbills and several other species of wading birds. We stayed with friends in Lafayette, Poochie and Connie Plonsky, and I was fortunate to arrange a meeting with Bre and Gayle for two mornings of shooting. We had a great lunch in St. Martinville, a picturesque little town with antebellum estates and quaint Victorian cottages.
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Cypress and Bass Boat
Cypress and Bass Boat
Check Me Out
Check Me Out
Cypress Trunk Detail
Cypress Trunk Detail
Duck Weed, Cypress  and Swamp Water
Duck Weed, Cypress and Swamp Water
Heading Out
Heading Out
Holding On
Holding On
House Keeping
House Keeping
Hunting Little Blue Heron
Hunting Little Blue Heron
Lake Martin - Spring Evening
Lake Martin - Spring Evening
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