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Buz Kiefer | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gatlinburg, Sevierville and Pigeon Forge tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Gatlinburg, Sevierville and Pigeon Forge

The three gateway towns on the north central side of the park are better known than the others. These three are growing quicker but in many ways are still small town America. In time, perhaps, I will have a page for Townsend on the west, Cosby on the east and Cherokee on the south. The three communities here and their townsfolk represent nothing fancy, nothing pretentious; just good people taking life as it comes at their own tempo. Their strongly held religious beliefs keep them anchored in family, community and self-reliance. It is my pleasure to be among them.
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Believe It Or
Believe It Or
Yeah, I'm having a swell time.
Yeah, I'm having a swell time.
Yeah, Buddy.
Yeah, Buddy.
Pick your own title.
Pick your own title.
Lets put a little one right here.
Lets put a little one right here.
Have helmet; will travel.
Have helmet; will travel.
Gatlinburg Saturday Night
Gatlinburg Saturday Night
Waiting  2
Waiting 2
Ennui á Deux
Ennui á Deux
Drying Tobacco
Drying Tobacco
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