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Buz Kiefer | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> One Morning in Cades Cove tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

One Morning in Cades Cove

For sometime now I've been toying with the idea of a gallery comprised of photos taken on a single day. I will try to keep them chronological to give the viewer an better understanding of how the morning unfolded. The first image, of sunrise, was taken near my home minutes after Dick picked me up yesterday. The photos were not taken with this gallery in mind. I do hope you enjoy them.
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Moments Past Sunrise
Moments Past Sunrise
One Thursday in November
One Thursday in November
Through the Foggy Distance  -  Bucks in Velvet
Through the Foggy Distance - Bucks in Velvet
On a Distant Knoll
On a Distant Knoll
Easing Along
Easing Along
Nearing the End
Nearing the End
Doe in Tall Grass
Doe in Tall Grass
Easy Game
Easy Game
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