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Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> Yoshinori Kondo Marbles and Pendants For Sale >> "Ryokumu" Size: 1.50" Price: SOLD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"Ryokumu" Size: 1.50" Price: SOLD

This is one of Yoshi's early flower style dot stacker marbles...but it's not just ANY flower, it is THE NICEST that I've ever sold! Ryokumu means 'green fog', and the name Yoshi gave it hearkens to the fact that Yoshi used all of that incredible beautiful light green sparkle glass that is SO amazing. AND so rare - Yoshi almost never used sparkle glass in his creations, and especially not this much. This one is a special true beauty and a wonderful slice of Kondo history that you won't want to miss!! Signed 'YK 11'.

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