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Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> Yoshinori Kondo Marbles and Pendants For Sale >> "Seika" Size: 1.62" Price: SOLD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"Seika" Size: 1.62" Price: SOLD

This gem shows the continued progression of Yoshi's layered dot stacking, as it has his more earlier flower style of core to the marble, and then his later styling with the layered dot stacking for the pattern behind that blooming flower. The colors are bright and magnificent, made extra special by the fact that Yoshi used some of the famous Colomax Lavender color for this one, giving us that wonderfully unique look in the flower. Awesome gem from top to bottom, tight and controlled, and it will be tough to know which side to display! Signed 'YK 11'.

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