Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> Yoshinori Kondo Marbles and Pendants For Sale >> "Nichi" Size: 2.14" Price: SOLD | tree view | thumbnails | slideshow |
Well well welllll. Just when you thought Yoshi couldn't click it up yet another notch! Then he goes and adds UV dots to the negative space and blows your mind again!! This marble is about as hard to let go of as any, trust me on this one, cause it is MIND POPPING!! It's another marble with everything, as it has the crazy incredible dotstacking, the wild blinging opals in the middle of it (including Yoshi's signature opal on top of that fat stack), and then UV highlights literally all throughout the entire piece. Hoooooly SMOKES!! Just look at the pics, they'll get you good and drooling. PURE BRILLIANCE!! I could list superlatives for another hour, but I'll stop, so you can drool some more. Oh, and of course it comes it one of Yoshi's amazing special cases, like the black ones seen with some of the other marbles, but this time in wood grain. YESSS! Signed 'YK 18'.
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