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Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> Yoshinori Kondo Marbles and Pendants For Sale >> "Hidden Hypnotist" Size: 2.30" Price: SOLD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"Hidden Hypnotist" Size: 2.30" Price: SOLD

All you need to do is look at this one before and after the black light....ha ha, SERIOUS WOW factor here!! That UV action is sooo cool and just drags you inside of this pendant, possibly never to return. Tight, controlled dotstacks set against a black background....which isn't exactly what it seems, ha. More brilliant creativity from the master!! Again, keep a black light in your pocket in order to blow your friends away when you're wearing this gem. Signed 'YK 18'.

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