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Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> Yoshinori Kondo Marbles and Pendants For Sale >> "TIE Fighter" Size: 2.32" Price: SOLD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"TIE Fighter" Size: 2.32" Price: SOLD

Ooooh man, this is definitely one of the coolest marbles from Yoshi that I've ever sold!! Why he doesn't do this WAY more often I don't know, ha, but dang is this design sweet! It has a sweet double layers dot sphere in the middle, with a killer fire opal in the core of that, which is then sandwiched between two slices of dot stacking. WOWOWOW!!!! You can see through the center windows on each pole to the dotted core inside. The optics in hand will blow you away. Totally makes me think of the greatest representation of a Star Wars icon ever. The dot work is as legendary as usual. This marble was way, WAAAY ahead of its time back in 2012. Don't miss your chance at this legendary piece! Signed 'YK 12'.

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