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Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> Yoshinori Kondo Marbles and Pendants For Sale >> "Spotlight Hachi" Size: 2.05" Price: SOLD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"Spotlight Hachi" Size: 2.05" Price: SOLD

I almost didn't catch Yoshi's sneaky little secret in this marble - 8 UV dots that put a spotlight on the brilliance of this gem! I didn't think it had any UV just by looking at it, but decided to shine the black light on it just in case, and lo and behold, there were the 8 dots lurking there in their innocence. SO cool! The patterns Yoshi chose for this one highlight both the very technical dot stacking on one side, as well as the very artistic stacks on the other. The end result is lots of cool designs in the patterns, where you can see faces and other things. Yoshi's brilliant mind never ceases to amaze me as he creates one amazing pattern after another, all technically mind-blowing in their complexity and layering. There is also a beautiful fiery opal stack inside the marble with Yoshi's signature opal on top. Yet another truly amazing piece from the Japanese master of dot stacking! Signed with Yoshi's sig opal inside and '15' in ti pen for the year.

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