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Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> Yoshinori Kondo Marbles and Pendants For Sale >> "Van Coevorden" Size: 2.10" Price: SOLD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"Van Coevorden" Size: 2.10" Price: SOLD

This gem of a pendant is from Yoshi's latest batch of pendant creations, sold at the Team Japan show in Vancouver in late 2016. It features his new style of bail, which has some deep transparent ruby glass in it, along with a sweet strip of bright dichro. The black, white and UV dot work is impeccable as always, forever boggling the mind with the precision Yoshi is able to bring out of the molten glass. The dot work is double layered, so you get that added complexity to the design which is SO killer! On top of all of that, you've gotta love the added bonus of the UV dot work, which absolutely explodes when you hit it with the black light!! The green opals in the center (one of them being Yoshi's signature opal perfectly stacked on top of the disc opal) are suuuuper bright in hand, serious green fire. The pendant is also marked with '16' on the side of the bail to signify the year it was made. As Yoshi gets busier and busier with his skyrocketing popularity, it is harder and harder to get your hands on one of his pendants, so if you've been waiting, here is your chance!

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