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Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> Marble, Paperweight and Pendant Collaborations For Sale >> Mike Gong & Bob Badtram: "Standing on the Moon" Size: 1.48" Price: SOLD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Mike Gong & Bob Badtram: "Standing on the Moon" Size: 1.48" Price: SOLD

This is undoubtedly one of the greatest Acid Eater collaborations of all time, and for me personally, I love this one about as much as any of them. Badtram is one of the original legends in the glass game, and Mike has incorporated his Jerry Garcia on the Moon scene into this piece with absolute perfection. It is so hard to even know which side to display, and a mirror behind it might be essential. The crushed opal stars along with the hidden UV in the dark space sky on both sides is breathtaking. Then to top it all oft, Mike's dot work around the equator is sooo classic and as OG Gongsta as glass gets. This is just a flat out brilliant work of glass art and it's truly fit for kingly collections. Signed 'R Bad M Gong 7.2023'.

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