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Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> Kris Parke Marbles For Sale >> "Long May She Wave" Size: 2.55" Price: SOLD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"Long May She Wave" Size: 2.55" Price: SOLD

I love it when artists like Kris and the legend Ro Purser take marble classics, like the old Sulphides which have a figure inside of them, and modernize them with awesome enhancements! And this is enhanced as gloriously as they come, with the US flag proudly waving behind the bold eagle inside. I....LOVE....IT!!! So patriotic and so hard to let go of, just brilliant glass work. It has a matching stand that lines up with the design in the marble, so dang cool. This is an ultimate classic here, a one of a kind historical gem from Kris, one of his best! Signed 'Parke 07 EXP'.

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