Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> Jason Lee (Leebo) Marbles For Sale | tree view | thumbnails | slideshow |
Jason Lee, aka Leebo, is one of world's most prolific and renowned pipe makers, an absolute OG legend in the world of glass who has been at it for decades. Jason has long had an interest in the art of murrine, and so some years back he started creating the glass images and patterns himself. I believe at first he was mainly using them to decorate his pipes, but as they got more and more complex, he started to focus on the murrine itself and selling it as their own little works of art. Jason eventually met his fiancé Tara Roberts, who became similarly fascinated with murrine, and they are now a very dynamic duo in the murrine world, working together to create some of the most fascinating stringer stacked and Frachini style murrine that we've ever seen. (Giacomo Frachini was an Italian canemaker who created miniature glass portraits that incorporated smaller pulled down cane components along with the individual stringers which were all worked together to form the whole image in a mosaic manner.) If you look at The Wolf images closely which Jason and Tara created, you can easily see the Franchini style there, with all of the different components. Tara generally does most of the cold work these days, the stringer and cane stacking, while Jason does most of the hot work, although I'm sure there's plenty of crossover. AMAZING work which will live forever as a testament to the skill and determination of this incredible duo, with a drive to create amazing art that is rivaled by few others! And, finally, I am so happy to say that Jason is also making some marbles that feature his and Tara's work (as well as some collaboration with other artists), and I have the honor of selling some of those pieces here at Glass ORBits. WOOOOHOOOOO!!!
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