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Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> James Alloway Marbles and Paperweights For Sale >> "Deep Triple Trumpet" Size: 3.45" Price: SOLD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"Deep Triple Trumpet" Size: 3.45" Price: SOLD

This marble is MASSIVE, the biggest Alloway marble I've ever sold, and it will BLOW YOUR MIND in hand!! This is one of those marbles that looks really good in pics, but looks reeeeeeallly GREAT in hand. The incredible dichro and color just reaches up and slaps you three times, just like those three rainbow canes rising out of the super deep depths of this vortex. To add to the wonder, the three canes are wrapped around an air trap, and then there is an air trap nestled between each of the canes, to make four air traps in all, and in each one, you can see the wonder of this marble reflected in miniature. IT.....IS.......AWESOME!!!! It is signed 'Alloway 7-04 #7', meaning this is also a slice of marble history that is almost 10 years old now. Don't miss this chance, sooo hard to let go of!

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