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Doug Cruden | profile | all galleries >> PAD >> PAD 2023 >> PAD - April 2023 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

PAD - April 2023

1st - No Joke!
1st - No Joke!
2nd - 15th Century Tower
2nd - 15th Century Tower
3rd - Fluffy Pony
3rd - Fluffy Pony
4th - The House In The Woods
4th - The House In The Woods
5th - Lanes
5th - Lanes
6th - Daffs
6th - Daffs
7th - Spring Sky
7th - Spring Sky
8th - Village
8th - Village
9th - Rustic
9th - Rustic
10th - Blooms
10th - Blooms
11th - Accompaniments
11th - Accompaniments
12th - Mammatus Over Leckhampton Hill
12th - Mammatus Over Leckhampton Hill
13th - Layers
13th - Layers
14th - Dessert Is Served...All Seven of Them!
14th - Dessert Is Served...All Seven of Them!
15th - Hideaway
15th - Hideaway
16th - GWSR
16th - GWSR
17th - Shopping
17th - Shopping
18th - Into The Sunset
18th - Into The Sunset
19th - Bridleway
19th - Bridleway
20th - Blossom
20th - Blossom
21st - Llyn Syfaddon
21st - Llyn Syfaddon
22nd - The Black Mountains
22nd - The Black Mountains
23rd - Rain Coming
23rd - Rain Coming
24th - Brunch
24th - Brunch
25th - Plastic Bottle & Cap 1
25th - Plastic Bottle & Cap 1
26th - Plastic Bottle & Cap 2
26th - Plastic Bottle & Cap 2
27th - Plunger
27th - Plunger
28th - Clump (again!)
28th - Clump (again!)
29th - Greenery
29th - Greenery
30th - Escarpment
30th - Escarpment