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Bill Tracy | profile | all galleries >> Cars >> Showcase tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


A showcase of images arranged by vehicle year, make and model. Note that some of the galleries highlight unique individual vehicles while others feature more than one vehicle of the same kind.
1934 Ford Model 40 Custom
1934 Ford Model 40 Custom
1941 Plymouth P12 Special Deluxe
1941 Plymouth P12 Special Deluxe
1948 Austin
1948 Austin
1951 Chevy Custom Praise the Lowered
1951 Chevy Custom "Praise the Lowered"
Chevrolet Corvette C1
Chevrolet Corvette C1
Chevrolet Tri-Five
Chevrolet Tri-Five
1955 Bentley R Empress
1955 Bentley R "Empress"
1955 Ford Thunderbird
1955 Ford Thunderbird
1956 Ford Fairlane Sunliner
1956 Ford Fairlane Sunliner
1958 Pontiac Chieftain
1958 Pontiac Chieftain
Chevrolet Corvette C2
Chevrolet Corvette C2
1967 Ford Mustang
1967 Ford Mustang
1967 Oldsmobile 4-4-2
1967 Oldsmobile 4-4-2
1968 Plymouth Road Runner
1968 Plymouth Road Runner
Chevrolet Corvette C3
Chevrolet Corvette C3
Chevrolet Corvette C8
Chevrolet Corvette C8