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Bill Creech | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tyler's Flat Stanley tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tyler's Flat Stanley

My Grand Nephew Tyler drew a Flat Stanley.
Tyler's 3rd grade teacher sent Tyler's Flat Stanley to me for a visit.
Follow along as we visit with Tyler's Flat Stanley.
Pictures by Bill Creech

For more information on Flat Stanley, see the Book “Flat Stanley” by Jeff Brown.
For more information on the Project, see
Tylers Flat Stanley web.jpg
Tylers Flat Stanley web.jpg
Flat Stanley goes shopping Phipps Plaza 11-12-06
:: Flat Stanley goes shopping Phipps Plaza 11-12-06 ::
Tyler's Flat Stanley visits Lenox Park 11-14-06
:: Tyler's Flat Stanley visits Lenox Park 11-14-06 ::
Tyler's Flat Stanley King n Queen Bldg Atlanta 11-20-06
:: Tyler's Flat Stanley King n Queen Bldg Atlanta 11-20-06 ::