It was a very Blessed Day at Mount Pisgah UMC Sunday! We had a wonderful special guest, Stanton Lanier who delighted us with his piano performance. His music is a blessing. Rev Scott lead the Worship in Song and Praise. The presentation of Gifts of Blankets by Rev Mike and presentation of Christmas Child Shoe Boxes by Rev Steve. Plus Immersion Baptisms in the pool by Rev Mark of the son of David Greene and the son of George Peterson. If you missed the sermon today you should listen and watch the online video of Pastor Steve's sermon on Paradox of Treasure.
Alter 11-14-2010 DSC_1567.JPG
Stanton Lanier special guest 11-14-2010 DSC_1597.JPG
Stanton Lanier special guest on Piano DSC_1568.JPG
Rev Scott Leads Worship 11-14-2010 DSC_1553.JPG
Rev Steve wtih Christmas Child DSC_1591.JPG
Rev Steve wtih Christmas Child DSC_1594.JPG
Rev Mike with Gift Blanket 11-14-2010 DSC_1577.JPG
Rev Steve welcomes Batism n New Memebers DSC_1564.JPG