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Bill Creech | profile | all galleries >> Jezzie Creech >> Jezzie and Aidan June and July 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Jezzie and Aidan June and July 2008

Pictures from Jezzie's visit June - July 2008
Alpharetta, GA
photos by Bill Creech using Nikon D40x and Nikon D70s
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DSC_0084 Jezzie n Heather.JPG
DSC_0084 Jezzie n Heather.JPG
DSC_0089 Andy n Aidan.JPG
DSC_0089 Andy n Aidan.JPG
DSC_0091 Grandpa Bill and Aidan.JPG
DSC_0091 Grandpa Bill and Aidan.JPG
DSC_0103 Aidan.JPG
DSC_0103 Aidan.JPG
DSC_0111 Aidan.JPG
DSC_0111 Aidan.JPG
DSC_0114 Aidan.JPG
DSC_0114 Aidan.JPG
DSC_1889 Aidan Jezzie 06-22-08.JPG
DSC_1889 Aidan Jezzie 06-22-08.JPG
DSC_1864 Aidan Baptism 06-22-08.JPG
DSC_1864 Aidan Baptism 06-22-08.JPG
DSC_1865 Aidan Baptism 06-22-08.JPG
DSC_1865 Aidan Baptism 06-22-08.JPG
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