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iPhone photos

Photographs with iPhone 3Gs Camera Phone
The iPhone camera is pretty good but not on par with my DSLR, but it is always with me, so it gets lots of candid photos I would miss otherwise. So not always technically the best photos, they are often the best photo of the moment that I have. :)
Photos by Bill Creech
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IMG_0540pse Mt Pisgah Choir BBQ 06-10.JPG
IMG_0540pse Mt Pisgah Choir BBQ 06-10.JPG
IMG_0542pse BBQ Mt Pisgah Choir 06-10.JPG
IMG_0542pse BBQ Mt Pisgah Choir 06-10.JPG
IMG_0543pse Car Wash Mt Pisgah 06-10.JPG
IMG_0543pse Car Wash Mt Pisgah 06-10.JPG
IMG_0550pse Dolphin Cruise HHI 06-10.JPG
IMG_0550pse Dolphin Cruise HHI 06-10.JPG
IMG_0569pse Salty Dog Crab Soup 06-10.JPG
IMG_0569pse Salty Dog Crab Soup 06-10.JPG
IMG_0584pse Brain Loading Please Wait 06-10.JPG
IMG_0584pse Brain Loading Please Wait 06-10.JPG
IMG_0585pse This accessory is not made to work with the iPhone.jpg
IMG_0585pse This accessory is not made to work with the iPhone.jpg
IMG_0664pse Andy Haircut and new glasses w Julian 07-10.JPG
IMG_0664pse Andy Haircut and new glasses w Julian 07-10.JPG
IMG_0668pse Julian Aidan out for walk w Gpa 07-10.JPG
IMG_0668pse Julian Aidan out for walk w Gpa 07-10.JPG
IMG_0671pse Andy Julian ride train at mall 07-10.JPG
IMG_0671pse Andy Julian ride train at mall 07-10.JPG
IMG_0673pse Aidan Andy Julian ride train at mall 07-10.JPG
IMG_0673pse Aidan Andy Julian ride train at mall 07-10.JPG
IMG_0675pse Andy Julian ride train at mall 07-10.JPG
IMG_0675pse Andy Julian ride train at mall 07-10.JPG
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