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bill friedlander | all galleries >> Galleries >> San Miguel De Allende > DSC01689.jpg
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Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 II
1/160s f/8.0 at 10.4mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Alexander Kazakov19-Mar-2017 10:25
Nice capture! V
Anna & Christian RECK18-Mar-2017 13:32
Charming and colorful picture with a funny mural!! First time that I see a so laughing and friendly alligator!!! :-) BV. Anna
Marcia Colelli18-Mar-2017 12:15
Wonderful capture of this charming graffiti. V
Martin Lamoon17-Mar-2017 20:17
Great art work
Buz Kiefer17-Mar-2017 19:42
Very colorful street art on an old building. Nice juxtaposition by including the new construction atop the adjoining building. Nice one, Bill. Vote.
gerard belbeoch17-Mar-2017 18:28
De superbes couleurs sur cette façade de maison
Walter Otto Koenig17-Mar-2017 18:26
Very cool street art. Interesting architecture. "V"
janescottcumming17-Mar-2017 18:12
Great creativity on that wall! V
Colin Storey17-Mar-2017 17:56
Fantastic street art image.
Hank Vander Velde17-Mar-2017 12:23
Great street art, well captured Bill.
Blandine Mangin17-Mar-2017 12:08
beautiful street art ! v
Nirvan Hope17-Mar-2017 03:41
Wonderful colorful mural - love the way it fits around the window.
Dennis Hoyne17-Mar-2017 02:26
That is some really imaginative artwork! Beautifully captured! V.
Gill Kopy17-Mar-2017 01:29
Looks like graffiti artists have moved into town - am torn between original beauty and interesting art work !! V
Frank Brault16-Mar-2017 22:56
A marvelous mural. Love the colors and textures too. A terrific find. V
globalgadabout16-Mar-2017 22:46
the chaotic mural is a good effort to liven up the neighbourhood...the partially built building top left is so typical of Mexico..
Nick Paoni16-Mar-2017 21:44
That is quite a work of art!
Frank Tran16-Mar-2017 21:27
Beautiful street art. Well captured. V+
Ton T.16-Mar-2017 20:57
Beautiful graffiti and image V
Jim Coffman16-Mar-2017 20:49
Seems that street artist are everywhere! Nice image, Bill..
joseantonio16-Mar-2017 20:34
beautiful mural so nicely captured.V.
Stephanie16-Mar-2017 20:24
What a charming graffiti wall! Super capture Bill! V
Dan Greenberg16-Mar-2017 20:21
I can tell from your pictures that I would love this place. Super job of showing the of old buildings and local wall art. ~BV~
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