We have a number of tanks running right now: a 65 gallon discus/planted; a 29 gallon planted; a 20 gallon guppy/planted and a 55 gallon cichlid. The planted tanks all run some form of Co2 with the 65g running a pressurized tank setup.
The Green Discus
The Whole Shebang
One more of The Tank
A recent shot of the 65. Note the new driftwood and how the plants have grown
Golden Nugget Pleco
The L177 hangin' out under the driftwood
Another of my fav plec
The large blue discus and the 3 reds
A group shot of the discus
The large blue discus and a couple of his smaller buddies
3 Red Discus and a siamese algae eater in the background
A group of the inhabitants of the 65: clown loaches and discus
Dwarf Gourami male
Dwarf Gourami male
One of the Clown Loaches
Synodontis Cat
Whole tank on August 12, 2006
Left side of the 65
Right side of the 65
Discus group
One of the "Fancy Discus"
Most recent shot of the 65 - September 9
The big picture - of the 29
Inhabitants of the 29
L066 King Tiger Pleco
Two of the Clown Loaches and the remaining golden ram
Clown loaches, dwarf gouramis, the King and a ramshorn
The 29 fully planted
Left side of the 29
A bit closer shot on the 29
Just another shot of the 29
Big Blue
One of the two smaller blues
The two small Royals
The big Blue Diamond, the Heckel and the small Royals