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Bob Herbold | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sydney to Bali Cruise - February 2017 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sydney to Bali Cruise - February 2017

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13. The big bully
13. The big bully
14. Dont get too close
14. Dont get too close
15. The midgit penguin
15. The midgit penguin
16. The beauty of Australia
16. The beauty of Australia
17. Entrance to Taman Ayan Temple in Bali - built 1634
17. Entrance to Taman Ayan Temple in Bali - built 1634
18. The gardens
18. The gardens
19. Rising to the 2nd level of holiness
19. Rising to the 2nd level of holiness
20. Within the 2nd level
20. Within the 2nd level
21. Steps to the 3rd level of holiness
21. Steps to the 3rd level of holiness
22. The 3rd level
22. The 3rd level
23. The 3rd level alter
23. The 3rd level alter
24. Good bye to beautiful Australia and Indonesia
24. Good bye to beautiful Australia and Indonesia
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