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Select Tours NYC | all galleries >> Manhattanville >> Old Broadway Synagogue > OBSsink_3S0T0770_1_2_3_4_5_6_tm11x14A.jpg
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Old Broadway Synagogue
Harlem, NY

Canon EOS-1D Mark III
3s f/5.7 at 70.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jeremey-Stuart de Fishberg 12-Apr-2011 04:34
This picture's growing on me. It bespeaks a certain kind of poverty, whether it be of money or merely taste but it's interesting.
Guest 12-Apr-2011 04:32
This picture's growing on me. It bespeaks a certain kind of poverty, whether it be of money or merely taste but it's interesting.
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