Enjoyed them all, particularly the Puffin and drake Mallard. Wonderful photos!
17-Aug-2008 21:53
Beautiful pictures!
Beth, you ought to stay a week at my house to get some great pictures of predator birds. Haven't seen the juvenile bald eagle since we first spotted him in our yard. But there are two juvenile red-tailed hawks and a screetch owl that are tussling for the territory. The hawks are unfased by our presence and have been as close as 20 feet without a concern.
Saw a couple of black-capped chickadees, house wrens, hummingbirds, blue birds, cardinals, titmice, and a variety of woodpecker species.
Diana M
15-Aug-2008 17:50
All of these pictures are clear and well taken. I especially love the Downy Woodpecker Pic. Adorable!