The Broyles live on the Nazarene Campus in Haiti
this is some pictures and updates that they have e-mailed to me
if you click on the first picture, that will open up a page of pictures from Sept 2, 2008 e-mail that Karen sent. Then Sept 5th pictures are actually on this page.
I’m going to be sending pictures today of different areas that Michael flew over yesterday. We have been allowed to fly again, and have been doing “survey flights” (taking Red Cross folks & others to survey the damage & see where help is needed most), as well as carrying passengers to the few strips that are not underwater. Thankfully some of them are on higher ground, but not all have been spared by the flooding. These pictures are from Hinche, where communities are totally submerged, but our airstrip is still usable. Please continue to pray for the people you see (and those you don’t) – God knows their names – and also pray for us as we seek His direction in how to truly minister in the midst of such devastation. Pray for God’s provision for people (food, clothing, shelter, & above all, His healing & peace), for the waters to recede quickly, for aide to reach people in need (especially food, clean water, & medical attention – we could have serious problems if we can’t get these things out soon), and for God’s intervention as more storms appear to be headed our way. Also lift up our Program Manager, Mark Williams, as he coordinate efforts from many of the major missions & humanitarian organizations here – a HUGE task!
We also had three boys (college guys) who stayed with us Wednesday night. They had spent the previous night in Miami, when their flight to Haiti was cancelled. After finally making it to Haiti, they found out their friend in Pignon was stuck & couldn’t pick them up (bridges all over the country are out). Not exactly an ideal situation (this was also their first trip to Haiti). Well, Michael picked them up and on Thursday, they were able to fly with him to Pignon. Please pray for these guys as they minister there – Andrew, Evan, and Christian. They’re traveling around the world for the next six months, working with different missionaries as they go. Also pray that their travels won’t be interrupted by Hurricane Ike or TS Josephine. They leave Port on the 16th, headed for Brazil. I know they would appreciate your prayers.
Thanks again for your continual partnership as we carry the love of Christ together to a lost and hurting world. We can reach the world, if we’ll only follow His heart each day.
With love,
E-MAIL # 2 Gonaives (pictures 18-30)
These are pictures of Gonaives – where you’ve heard about in the news (in the US). Again, we ask that you pray for those represented in these photos. The whole town is flooded (as are other towns), and our airstrip is under 8 - 10 feet of water. 5022, 5023, & 5025 show where the airstrip can usually be seen. You can see the roof of our office sticking out of the water (next to the cell tower), and in 5022 you can see the lighter area of mud – that’s the runway. What’s kinda cool is to see the shape of our MAF logo – the dove. I’ve attached a pdf file that shows the shape at the end of the runway. It was amazing to notice the outline in the mud... Just a reminder that we still have a presence there, and that we can make a difference in the midst of the struggles in Gonaives.
E-MAIL # 3 Salt flats near Anse Rouge (pictures 31-39)
Some of you may recall the beautiful pictures of the salt flats near Anse Rouge (my mom took these on her last trip). Well, they’re totally flooded too. The gorgeous colors are replaced by the muddy brown that’s common in Haiti right now. The saddest part isn’t really this (the beauty of the flats gone), but what it means to the livelihood of people in this area. Please continue to pray for those who have lost their means of income throughout Haiti due to the storms (another group represented). Due to the loss of crops, livestock, and jobs like these, people will struggle even more. This also means more children will be unable to go to school this year – families can’t afford it.
I’ll be sending out one last group of photos after this one! There should be four emails total.
E-MAIL # 4 Artibonite Valley & Port-au-Prince (pictures 40-54)
Here’s the final set. The pictures that don’t look like a crowded city are of the countryside in the Artibonite Valley. This is on the other side of the mountains north of Port-au-Prince. There are many riverside homes that have been washed away, while other areas are totally cut off because of the roads being flooded. Please pray for those not located near major cities, who are isolated and may not be able to reach food, clean water, or medical treatment. Just a side note – we’ve been told that a majority of Haitians cannot swim, so this increases the need to reach areas like this. People really can’t go anywhere until things dry out, and with the rains that are forecast, this will probably not be soon.
The last three photos (5068, 5069, & 5070) are of the Cite Soliel area of Port-au-Prince. Pictures of this area were also circulating last week, after Gustav came through. This section of Port is still underwater (as you can see), and is one of the rougher areas of Port.
Please lift up the folks in the countryside, as well as those in the city. One praise: the sun is shining here in Port! I’m not sure about other areas, but I’ll thank God for what we have!
My intention in sending these is not to bring about pity or sadness, but to earnestly ask you to lift up your brothers & sisters in Christ, as well as the lost in Haiti. In the midst of the situation here, we are certain that Satan is stirring up problems. Fear, frustration, a sense of total loss, uncertainty, hopelessness, & thoughts of simple survival abound. Satan has used these in the past to stir hearts to do his desires (steal, kill, and destroy). Pray for the Holy Spirit and God’s peace to reign in people’s hearts. Pray that we will be God’s physical presence everywhere that we go, being His hands and His feet, bearing His heart to others.