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Bernd Koenemann | profile | all galleries >> My Space on PBase >> Images From Our Past tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Along the Way | Three Months in Bremen, Germany | The Hat | Birthdays 2007 | Images From Our Past

Images From Our Past

This gallery is for those who have an interest in our personal lives. The images are mostly of the immediate family, including my wife Irmtraud, my daughter Andrea, and myself when we all were younger.

For more, please, visit our homepage.

Note: new old images appear at the beginning of the gallery.
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Aachen, 1978
Aachen, 1978
Warmsen, ca. 1956
Warmsen, ca. 1956
Scottsdale (AZ), 1994
Scottsdale (AZ), 1994
Bersheba , 1968
Bersheba , 1968
Duesseldorf, ????
Duesseldorf, ????
Somewhere, ????
Somewhere, ????
Richfield, 1983
Richfield, 1983
San Jose, ca. 1999
San Jose, ca. 1999
Warmsen, 1962
Warmsen, 1962
Warmsen, ca. 1959
Warmsen, ca. 1959
Hopewell Junction, ca. 1985
Hopewell Junction, ca. 1985
Porto, 2000
Porto, 2000
Braunschweig, 1967
Braunschweig, 1967
Lippstadt, ca. 1961
Lippstadt, ca. 1961
Warmsen, 1955
Warmsen, 1955
LA, 2001
LA, 2001
Warmsen, ca. 1954
Warmsen, ca. 1954
Warmsen, ca. 1953
Warmsen, ca. 1953
Warmsen, ca. 1953
Warmsen, ca. 1953
San Jose, 2004
San Jose, 2004
Cheers! Corfu, 2002
Cheers! Corfu, 2002
Corfu, 2002
Corfu, 2002
San Jose, 2002
San Jose, 2002
Douro River, 2000
Douro River, 2000
Douro River, 2000
Douro River, 2000
San Jose, 2001
San Jose, 2001
San Jose, 2001
San Jose, 2001
San Jose, 2005
San Jose, 2005
San Jose, 2005
San Jose, 2005
With Snake, 2001
With Snake, 2001
Hakone, 2001
Hakone, 2001
Hakone, 2001
Hakone, 2001
My Brother (right) and I, ca. 1952
My Brother (right) and I, ca. 1952
Sleeping Angel, 2000
Sleeping Angel, 2000
Seattle, 2001
Seattle, 2001
Seattle, 2001
Seattle, 2001
Ready for Business, 2000
Ready for Business, 2000
Queluz, 2000
Queluz, 2000
Lisbon, 2000
Lisbon, 2000
Lisbon, 2000
Lisbon, 2000
San Jose, 2000
San Jose, 2000
Parental Memorabilia, 2000
Parental Memorabilia, 2000
My Birthday, Kauai, 2000
My Birthday, Kauai, 2000
Kauai, 2000
Kauai, 2000
Kauai, 2000
Kauai, 2000
My Father (Middle), 1996
My Father (Middle), 1996
Irmtraud and Andrea, ca. 1987
Irmtraud and Andrea, ca. 1987
Andrea, ca. 1987
Andrea, ca. 1987
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