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Bernd Koenemann | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Las Fotonovelas tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

People & Places | Cartagena de Indias, Colombia | Las Fotonovelas | Out of Trains, Planes, and Automobiles. | Digi-Paint | El Arte, la Artista, y la Belleza | After the Rain | In the Backyard | Old Pictures | Irmtraud | In Box | A Renaissance Wedding | Reflecting on Yours Truly | BaT Riders | My Space on PBase | Photo Books | Bicycles and Bicyclists of Germany | Urban Banalities | Faux Marc | Black&White, Monochrome, etc. | PolyPtychs | Coral Stone Works | Tenerife

Las Fotonovelas

Sometimes our camera witnesses not just disjoint images but connected images of an evolving story. We may not hear any words and may not fully understand what is happening. Yet, we can imagine many possible meanings of the pantomime.

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Pas De Deux
:: Pas De Deux ::
El Amor en los Tiempos de la Lluvia
:: El Amor en los Tiempos de la Lluvia ::
The Conch
:: The Conch ::