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XiaoBernard99 | profile | all galleries >> NAVY >> *Vibrating BOAT* tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

*Vibrating BOAT*

Done by movements of camera and a lot of tests
Voile Blanche sur fond bleu
Voile Blanche sur fond bleu
Encore dans le port
Encore dans le port
Morning mood
Morning mood
Sur la côte
Sur la côte
Les Grandes Voiles
Les Grandes Voiles
Proud Man on a Boat
Proud Man on a Boat
The Kayak
The Kayak
The old Fishingboat
The old Fishingboat
g9/48/783348/3/160967581.t3kxS8ZD.jpg In curve
In curve
Les Grandes Voiles et le Village
Les Grandes Voiles et le Village
Drags Effect
Drags Effect
The white driver
The white driver
Little Boat
Little Boat
Full of colors and mouvments
Full of colors and mouvments
g9/48/783348/3/160989167.onMRvBZb.jpg Les Grandes Voiles et le Village
Les Grandes Voiles et le Village
g9/48/783348/3/160998766.G9Xr4lfM.jpg g9/48/783348/3/160998920.09bFpi88.jpg Phare 2
Phare 2
g9/48/783348/3/161000991.ltz6gmd5.jpg Vision matinale
Vision matinale
Blue Boat
Blue Boat
Boat with the French Flag
Boat with the French Flag
g9/48/783348/3/161010535.Mb0yVdpc.jpg g9/48/783348/3/161015769.HAIuFNEb.jpg