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XiaoBernard99 | all galleries >> CHINA HONK KONG 2011 >> MADE IN HONG KONG 2011 > Pedestrians in HONG KONG
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Pedestrians in HONG KONG

Sony DSLR-a850
1/500s f/2.8 at 20.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jeff Real10-Jan-2012 13:54
The light, shadow and hint of color are marvelous ~V~
Jim's Atavistic Visions10-Dec-2011 15:59
So serious! Nice image!... Josefina
Sam_C09-Dec-2011 09:37
Fantastic shot and treatment! V++
rousselziak09-Dec-2011 07:26
Great work ! -V-
an nguyen06-Dec-2011 11:04
Excellent work .
Alain Boussac05-Dec-2011 22:06
Remarquables : l'angle de prise de vue, l'expression, le traitement. BV.
Kevin Warren04-Dec-2011 22:29
Terrific capture of interesting faces and great light, love the angle! V
Raymond Ma04-Dec-2011 01:22
Splendid image with great framing and light...the processing is also wonderful. V
John Hamers03-Dec-2011 22:56
Beautiful composed image !!! V
marie-jose wolff03-Dec-2011 18:26
très belle ambiance! V
Long Bach Nguyen03-Dec-2011 15:36
wonderful image, love the composition, lighting and exposure of the image v
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