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XiaoBernard99 | all galleries >> MOTORCYCLES RACES >> 2011-HILLCLIMBING -ST JEAN d 'ORMONT-FRANCE >
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Sony DSLR-a850 ,Minolta 400mm f/4.5 AF HS APO G
1/1000s f/4.5 at 400.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dan the Man05-Dec-2011 13:51
Vraiment bien réussie! On peux reconnaître les traits de conducteur!!! BRAVO!! V
Kim19-Jul-2011 19:09
Stunning capture, great details and BW tones. Love the expression on his face inside the helmet! BV
Alain Boussac10-Jul-2011 05:43
Remarquable ! V.
settler02-Jul-2011 10:05
If you want to understand the love of this sport..Look at this!..BV!!
cambraniz28-Jun-2011 08:55
Superbe B&W. Qualité exceptionnelle. V
shatterbug27-Jun-2011 23:06
Great quality shot, and powerful framing!
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