On All Saints Day 1925, the founding of the VARA (association of labourers radio amateurs) broadcasting station uplifted the socialists and also our ‘reds’ in the family, Herman van der Wal and Jo Bosmans.
At the end of the year the close knit Bosmans clan with all their differences came together once again to celebrate, New Year’s Eve. These were never dull affairs, but this time the sparks were really flying at the residence of Jacques. Between bites in the hot ‘appelflappen’ apple dumplings and ‘oliebollen’, traditional Dutch doughnuts and with the help of gin-greased gullets, the conversation flared to unknown heights, all about politics and religion off course. Nicolene the eldest daughter of Anna, had to calm her husband, furniture maker Albert Kersten who got so worked up and hot under his collar at one stage, that he jumped the table. Standing tall, full-throated,he blasted: ‘socialisten deugen niet’, socialists are no good, having a dig at his sister in law Jo.
He made no secret of his aversion of collectivism.
Midnight came and it went with best wishes for a Happy New Year and Albert for once stayed the full distance. Yes, that was not his usual form, at other times, he would rise from his chair 10.00 o’clock sharp, turning to his wife he would say with an arbitrary voice ‘kom deern, naar bed’, come woman, to bed. No ifs and buts, he stuck to his guns, a stickler of ingrained habits, that Albert.