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3-Jul-2024 2:24 EST

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last updated 3-Jul-2024 2:24 EST

PBase is temporarily unavailable

3-Jul-2024 2:24 EST

PBase is temporarily unavailable. The database is coming back from a reboot and pages will be slow to load as everything gets loaded back up.

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Slug and The PBase Team

last updated 3-Jul-2024 2:24 EST
70622878 photo - Benoit Durocher Photographie photos at pbase.com
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Benoit Durocher Photographie | all galleries >> Galleries >> Palais des congrès de Montréal >
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22-NOV-2006 © Benoît Durocher

Le Palais des Congrès de Montréal

Nikon D50 ,Nikon18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED AFS DX VR
1/250s f/5.6 at 200.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Anthea's Photography17-Jun-2009 06:08
Looks like a fancy beach towel! Hey, you could go into the beach towel industry and get this print made up on one Benoit! Excellent reflection!
Guest 11-Jul-2008 04:29
Great eyes! Wonderful colors and framing!!
mona 13-Jul-2007 01:37
La réflexion d'une réflexion architecturale...Hallucinant! Bravo!
Don Hammontree23-May-2007 03:03
Greg Harp29-Nov-2006 03:07
Outstanding! Voted
Robbie D7023-Nov-2006 23:44
What a dynamic shot. This is a special photograph im sure a winning one .
Brilliant composition.
Guest 23-Nov-2006 04:17
Bravo tu as retrouvé ta touche artistique.
Guest 22-Nov-2006 22:50
Excellent reflections image. Voted.
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