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Musical Ride

The RCMP Musical Ride is performed by a full troop of 32 riders and their horses. Their performance consists of figures and drills choreographed to music.
From its inception in 1873, the North-West Mounted Police (NWMP) relied on skilled riders to carry out police duties across the Prairies. Patrolling the vast and sparsely inhabited area, NWMP members were frequently the only government officials new settlers would encounter.

To break the monotony of endless riding drills, members of the Force commonly competed among themselves and performed tricks on horseback. In 1876, some of these tricks and exercises were performed at Fort Macleod, Alta. This is believed to be the first public performance of what would eventually evolve into the Musical Ride.
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Preparing to enter the arena.
Preparing to enter the arena.
Opening entertainment
Opening entertainment
Opening entertainment
Opening entertainment
The opening band
The opening band
The caravan arriving
The caravan arriving
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