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Being Me | all galleries >> Galleries >> Places in the Heart > Damn it to hell
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Damn it to hell

This was a really foggy day. Driving to work made me nervous. I stopped in a little pull-out just before I got to work and took this picture. You can kind of see the building behind the trees. And a bit of the sun.
It got me thinking…not always a good thing.
This is kind of how I could describe last week. The skies had been clear for almost 4 years and the sun was shining. Then the fog that had covered us twice before settled in once again with the words ‘it’s back’. How long will this round of fog stay? Will the sun burn away this fog? Will we all be there on the other side of the fog?
Perhaps third time is the charm?

LG Electronics LG-H873
1/905s f/1.8 at 4.0mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Julie Oldfield20-Jul-2019 00:17
An excellent mood. I hope sunnier days are ahead. V
Jeff Real19-Jul-2019 17:39
I love the feeling!
danad15-Jul-2019 08:17
Superb mood ! V.
1moremile14-Jul-2019 13:30
Kind of depressing when it goes on and on. Not fun to drive in for sure.
joseantonio14-Jul-2019 12:26
very nice mood.V.
Gill Kopy14-Jul-2019 04:30
Looks a big like last year's smoke. Sure nasty, whatever :(
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