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shasta daisy with visiting bee(?)
shasta daisy with visiting bee(?)
visitor on daisy
visitor on daisy
bumble bee on blue thistle
bumble bee on blue thistle
insect on Shasta daisy
insect on Shasta daisy
Bumblebee covered with Hibiscus pollen
Bumblebee covered with Hibiscus pollen
the calm mother squirrel who ate too much !!
the calm mother squirrel who ate too much !!
 an extremely wary squirrel ... waiting for me to retreat
an extremely wary squirrel ... waiting for me to retreat
september rain jewels
september rain jewels
dew micro-jewels on spider web
dew micro-jewels on spider web
low elevation sun backlighting bracken fern
low elevation sun backlighting bracken fern
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