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Peg Price | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tucson's Old Motor Courts > Eagle's Nest
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24 February 2006 Peg Price

Eagle's Nest

Benson Highway

All of these old motels once flourished on the only road from Tucson to Benson. The building of I-10 closed most of them down.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ed Voss 01-Aug-2014 16:03
In the late 40`s and early fifties we lived in the desert south of these motels. My dad had his corrals in that area also. On Halloween us kids would walk up to Benson Hiway to the motels to do our trick and treating. We would always get good stuff like carmeled apples and popcorn balls and the people were always polite. Benson hiway was not large like it is today and hardly any traffic on it and it was always so fun to see all the neon lights at the motels. It was like going to the movies.